..................MY HOME AWAY FROM HOME....................
I Belong To The Teen Rail
Hi, my name is Matt and I live in Anchorage, Alaska. I am 15 years old. I am a sophomore in High School. I have maintained a 3.83 GPA this year. I really enjoy my classes, and I like most of my teachers. On Wednesday, March 21, 2001, I will receive my Academic Letter at the Dimond Adwards Ceremony. Last year I played on the JV Soccer team and I just found out last Friday, on March 16, 2001, that this year I made the Varsity team! I also want to play Football this year. I got a guitar for Christmas and I am going to start guitar lessons soon.
I play soccer for the Alaskan Goldstrikers. Goldstrikers '85. I have played soccer for 11 years, the last 5 years as a Competitive player. I play either Center Mid or Forward. I've had a couple of games with a 'hat trick' or two. Last July my team and I went to Minnesota for the IKO Tournament and the USA Cup. There were teams from all over the world there. I traded "pins" with soccer players from all over the world. My friend and former Coach, Harold Henry, helped me get pins and taught me all the fine points of collecting. He even bought me a pin book to display and keep all my pins in.
In February I went with my team to Phoenix to play in the President's Day Tournament. We were gone a week and it was a very exciting trip! It was hot and we went swimming every day.
Some of my favorite things are:
Favorite Sport Soccer
My brother Ken
My grandma & grandpa Grandma & Grandpa
My dog named Penny
My 2 cats Crissy and Sandi
I also play the Tenor Sax
I love to play Nintendo '64
I have a stamp collection, a coin collection, a bottlecap collection, and I also collect McDonald Toys
I also like sk8boarding & snowboarding. I have a World Industries Light-Weight Board, a Shorty's Large Team Board and a Geoff Rowley Blue Cat Board. My newest board is a Powell Mini Logo. I'll be adding pictures here soon!
The ultimate guide to U.S. soccer sites,
Soccer Find.
Here's a great site I found
DNA Science Report
Science is my favorite subject in school. I enjoy tracking the weather and keeping a weather record. My grandma told me a story about how my greatgrandpa, Grandpa Dow, kept a weather log for over 40 years. Every morning he recorded the weather and updated it during the day. I hope you enjoy my report on El Nino.
I also like to study the solar system. I was always wondering if there was life on other planets. So I joined the SETI Institute, which for 14 years has looked for signs of intelligent life outside Earth. They are working with the University of California at Berkeley, which has taken action to first study 1,000 nearby sun-like stars and eventually search 1 million candidate stars in the Milky Way galaxy. They now have set up a web site where an interested person may download the necessary software to participate in this awesome program. I am now 1 of over 90,000 people "listening for sounds from outer space." It could be ME that discovers life on another planet!!
SETI Institute
This is my new science report on DNA. I will keep updating it as I learn more on the subject.
DNA Science Report
Thanks for stopping by. Please come back real soon and check out the progress on my Super Student Report on EL NINO. Also, I will keep you updated on "The Search For Extraterrestrial Life." I plan on adding a lot more interesting things here. I would really like to make some new friends around the world and would like to hear from you.
Please E-Mail me at: dcunited13@yahoo.com
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