AUGUST 11, 1997
A GROUP PHOTO SHOOT package consists of a 24 or 36 shot roll of film taken of a band or pageantry unit during its performance at a field show, band review, winter guard competition, or any other band and pageantry event/competition. Products include a mini-album of the photos and an 11"x17" collage using 10-15 of the photos.An INDIVIUAL PHOTO SHOOT package consists of a 24 shot roll of film taken of 1-2 individual performers of a band or pageantry unit during its performance. Products include a mini-album of the photos and a photo button.
Information on repints, enlargememts, and other products will be available at THE CAMERA DUDE'S Screaming Eagle Enterprises web site in the near future.
To order a PHOTO SHOOT, please complete the form below, then click on the "submit form !" button. Hard copy request forms may be obtained at the CAMERA DUDE'S booth at any event he's at.PAYMENT must be made by cash or check to the CAMERA DUDE prior to your units performance at the event desired or by mailing a check to:
Make checks payable to LEE BESSEY