The IQ2C Contest Team was founded in Cinisello Balsamo (near Milano,
Italy), in the beginning of 1997, to join the experience of the local
Radio Association club people.
In fact, by sharing the skills of many individuals,
a wide knowledge and a solid structure is created to increase our
amusement during the Radio Contests.
In this way we can test ourselves in HF and VHF contests,
either in Phone and CW. Some of our equipment is self-built
(for instance the "twin curvicals" for the 80mt band),
and we have computer and engineering support.
As you can see in the other pages, we are not trying
to obtain a big score in contests, while we need to
refine our tools before doing it with more commitment
for better results.
Furthermore, being not really serious, the fun level is
always high.
You can also refer to us for other activities, for instance the IR2PH callsign in 1993. This special call was for a Philatelic exhibition in our hometown, where the subject of all stamps was the Radio.