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[Like our new makeover? This page is now under serious renovation (and will be under even more serious renovation after my finals, which is still about six weeks off. Horrors. The background, by the way, is from Ann Stretton's collection.)]
Nationals. Champions Series Finals. The World Championships. We diehard skating fans/addicts sit at home, lying on our undersides and living up to the names "couch potatoes," maybe once in a while actually getting our hands on premiere tickets to some skating event or other. Oh no, we find ourselves, after all this time, sitting in the nosebleed section again, squinting at the tiny ants piroutting some 1000 feet beneath us, wishing perhaps that we had better binoculars. Better binoculars, that is, or Superman eyes. All of us diehard skating fans go year-round in search of some ice, of some skater, of some newsgroup to which we could find company and/or condolence. The excitement of competition draws us near, we with our reporter-sharp noses and our hawk eyes, peeking keenly--Oh, there it is! A pair of brand-old skates!--and finding their prey.
"Enough of this artistic flagwaving," as our beloved Dick Button would say. "What it really comes down to is who will do the jumps and who will crash and burn." Crash and burn? In search of that answer, and many others along the way, I came up with the idea of designing a web page such that, like many others of its kind, those who actually provide all the excitement for the fans who do nothing more than watch, cheer, cheer, cheer, and, well, cheer, will be saluted. Browsing through many of the sites gave me the idea that there are many fan pages already in existence (great pages! Check them out by clicking here!). So far as I can tell, though, there haven't been many written solely for Russian skaters. In hopes of doing something different, I created this page, the "Unofficial Russian Figure Skating Page" (written in English, of course). The main of this page is dedicated to Russian skaters, from the individual skating pages (still under heavy construction) of the three top Russian skaters/teams in each of the four major disciplines to reports of different competitions and links to other pages.
Well, now that I still have several words to say and you haven't been bored to death yet, let me just say one thing: enjoy!
Elements of this Page:
Fan Pages
So far I have fan pages for:
- Maria Butyrskaya,
- Ilya Kulik
- Alexei Urmanov
- Alexei Yagudin
- Grishuk & Platov
- Krylova & Ovsiannikov
- Kazakova & Dmitriev
- Beneznaya & Sikharulidze
- Eltsova & Bushkov
Skating Features
- Competition & Show Reports -- Reports of several competitions and shows
- Other Web Pages: links -- Links to other WWW pages
- Information about me -- Q&A, Info about myself and recognitions
- Site of the week competition -- I'll pick one WWW site and one Geocities site as features
- WWW site -- One WWW site that has to do with figure skating will be featured on this page every week
- GEO site -- One geocities page (of any content) will be featured on this page every week
- Winners of this competition -- Winners of the competition are featured on this page. Here are this week's two winners:
- Kazakova & Dmitriev Fan PagePair skaters Oksana Kazakova & Artur Dmitriev are featured on this great page written by a great fan of theirs, Marianne Merola. This page contains what you need to know about this new up-and-coming pair (one of my favorites as well!).
- The Skater ChibisI was very much enlightened when I went to this page by Cherryne Edejer. Chibis, apparently, is a Japanese word for pictures that make people look distorted and babyish through clever cartoon work and caricature. This page by Cherryne Edejer just brims of this cleverness, this great skill to make all the figure skaters (and there are quite a number!) look both like themselves and like something straight out of Superman. To see someone's creativity, love of skating and artistry, come vist the Chibis to get an idea of just what I mean.
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