I have traveled to many places in my life so far, and hope to go to many more. I have been to Ireland and ridden across some of it on horseback. I have been to California, Canada, and Florida many times. I have been to the Carribean a couple times, along with the Mexican Gulf and the Bahamas. This page shows some pictures of these travels, and the man I share them with.
This is a picture of me and Tom on our trip to California last year. We started in Los Angeles and drove up to San Francisco. It was incredible! All the more so the closer we got to San Francisco. My Aunt Kitty lives in San Fran, and we stayed with her while we were up there. She is great!! We hope to visit again soon. This time, however, we plan to skip the southern part of the state!
I will fill this in later.
This is me and Tom at the start of our carribean cruise in 96. Guinness had just been born a week before, I'm glad Jazz didn't wait any longer!! We went on Celebrity, a very nice line. We want to go again next year.
This is us in Florida. This trip was sort of forced. We went because we got a good deal by saying we would listen to a talk about buying a time share property. We listened, then said, "OK, we listened to you for 3 hours, how about our free Sea World tickets?" We went to Medieval Times while we were there also, which was a complete blast! Try it if you like knights or horses at all. Oh, we also went to the Bahamas on this trip. I'll add some pictures of that later.
This is the bed and breakfast I stayed at with a bunch of buddies from my barn when we went to Ireland. We rode around 4 hours a day across Ireland. AWESOME!!! I will remember it forever. The two people in the picture are my current riding trainer, Robin Moody (I still train with her), and Stacey Jenkins, who I met through Robin (Robin is the one standing). I hadn't met Tom yet when I made this trip!
Click here for a link to imprint training. I will change these soon.
Click here for a link to a page about Guinness' dad, Ommen and some more babies he has produced. Note: This page is not ready yet.