
Lilly is For Sale

This page is about Lilly, AHSA registered name, Poetic Inspriation. She is an ex-racehorse. She has Secretariat, Native Dancer, and Northern Dancer in her pedigree. Her Jockey Club name is "Matilda May". You can see her pedigree by clicking here and entering her name in.

Click on the thumbnail to see the full sized pictures.

News Flash - I wanted to breed Lilly, but the stallion I chose has been sold, and he may not be available for several years. I really want to raise another baby, so Lilly is now for sale.

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Here are a few conformation shots of Lilly.

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This is a picture of Lilly trotting. She has placed in C through A rated shows, and has finished in the top 4 of a Pensylvania Pre Adult division a few years in a row. This year, I can't afford to show much, and I have onlly been able to show a handful of times. We have begun to show at 3 foot, and we seem to do better over the higer fences.

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Here we are cantering at a show (at the PG Equestrian Center which is about 10 miles away from where I board her). This is during a jumping round. She doesn't need schooling over fences at shows, she gets her changes, and she can take a joke to fences. She could be a hunter, a jumper, an eventer, or whatever you want. I believe she would be the best for a rider who has experience on the flat, and wants to learn how to jump. She will cart a beginner around, but she goes the best for someone who knows how to "frame" her.

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Here are some jumping pictures. You can see that she does tuck her knees better over higher fences. The left fence is 3 feet, the next is 2'6", the next is 2'9", and the right is 3' (at least that is what the management told us!). I put the last one in, even though I got really left behind, to show that she is very forgiving over fences.

The stallion I have chose for my next baby is Popeye-K. He lives in Canada, and is a Canadian Warmblood. His father was the famous Voltaire, who has produced many jumpers and hunters. Voltaire seems to pass on a lot of good qualities, not the least of which is a very nice jump. Popeye also has Ramiro Z on his other side. Ramiro is also a producer of some very nice hunters and jumpers. Popeye has been sold to a client of Tommy Serio, and their plans for his reproductive future are not clear. I still wanted to leave his picture here, as I really like him!!


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Here are some pictures of Popeye. He is so beautiful!

Click here for a link to Popeye's Homepage.

Click here for a link to hunter/jumper stuff.

Click here for a link to a page concerning other horses I think are cool.

Click here for a link to the Jockey Club, of which Lilly is a member.

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