Alicia's Family

If you have found your way here, you came through my other pages. You know who I am, and that this page has pictures of my family.

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This is my brother, Jason, and my mother, Virginia, in our kitchen

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This is my dog, Cody. An 11 year old Jack Russell terrier.

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Here is a pic of my Grandmother (Dad's mom), my Dad's sister Joanie, my Dad, my Mom, and Jazzmin.

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This is a picture of Cody and my Aunt Debbie, my Dad's youngest sister.

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This is a picture of me, Tom, and Tom's dog, Monster. He is a 13 year old Lhasa. He has earned his name, by the way :)!

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This is a picture of me and Tom before going out to Valentines dinner in 2000. p>

Click here for a link to the peice of equipment that saved my life. I am a diabetic, and the insulin pump made my life worth living.

I am always reconstructing this page. Latest update (03/28/00)

© 1997

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