Horses, Horses, Horses ........

My Personal Home Page

"My beautiful! my beautiful! that standest meekly by. With thy proudly-arched and glossy neck, and dark and fiery eye!"
- From "The Arab's Farewell To His Steed" by Caroline Norton

Hi everyone! This is my personal home page. I have several interests which I have divided up into separate pages.

Lilly is for sale. To see pictures of her and information, click on the horse link below.

Please e mail me if you have any suggestions on how to make this page better, or if you have any questions.

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Here are Lilly and Jazzmin grooming each other

Click here to go to Lilly's page.

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If you click here , you will go to a page that has some pictures of my travels. It's mostly me and Tom together, though, so unless you know us, it probably won't be interesting.


Click here to go to my work page. This link will take you to the NOAA site that is concerned with the data the spacecraft I am working on will transmit. It's a weather satellite that will replace the current ones up there. We plan on launching in 2012, nothing like job security!

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Click here to go to my family page and here to go my friends page. Note: This page is not done yet!

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I am always reconstructing this page. Latest update (06/28/02)

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