Oswego Hockey

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Last Year the Bucs lost to Ithaca in the first round of sectionals. This year the old coaching staff of Mark Fierro and Pete Sears is back. Though switching places, Mark is now head coach and Pete is assistant. Good luck to the Bucs.

The season is early yet, I just got the schedule and tryouts aren't until the first week in November. As soon as the roster is filled I'll post it and any other tid-bits of information that come along.

An Alumni note for anyone who wants to know about past Buccaneers. There are four ex-bucs tryout for the Oswego State Great Laker squad this year. Jeremy Knopp played second semester last year, and newcomers, Nate Elliott, Tom Masters and Me (Mike Foley) will all be trying out for the team come October. I'll keep everyone informed. In other news, Erik Cole also an ex-buc was drafted by the Carolina Hurricanes in July. He is a top player for Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY and went back for at least another year before the jump to the "N". Congrats from all your old buddies here in Oswego, Erik.

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Mike Foley
278 Washington Blvd.
Oswego, NY 13126
(Former Buc 1994-1997 #2)

Or you can mail the Oswego Athletic Director - Ted Kerley

Ted Kerley
Oswego City School District
C/O Ted Kerley
East First St.
Oswego, NY 13126


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Page Last Updated 9-25-98

[ Mike's Concert Tape Bootleg Site ]

If there are any graphics that are copyrighted and I don't know about simply mail me and I'll remove them from my page. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Mike
The 1996 Beef Line

I'd like to thank Coach Fi, for taking the beefline picture.

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