Hi!! Welcome to the quotes page! This is where you'll find out what your favorite gymnasts and coaches really say!
"No matter what always have fun and enjoy yourself!"
-Katie Teft, July 1997
"Yes, I'm going to UCLA in the fall and will do college gymnastics for them"
-Kerri Strug, June 1996
"Thanks for all your support and wishes"
-Kerri Strug, June 1996
"I will be attending Stanford in the fall"
-Dominique Dawes, June 18 1996
"Jennie Thompson is a wonderful little gymnast"
-Dominique Dawes, January 10 1995
"I'm sure the Dominique Moceanu will be in the 2000 Games. She has great determination"
-Dominique Dawes, January 10 1997
"Work hard towards your goals and believe in your dreams!"
-Smiles -Kelli Hill (D Dawes's coach) February 1997
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