
This is a list of addresses where you can write to your favorite gymnasts. Some have individual P.O. Boxes, but for most you'll have to write to the gym or federation. Please check back soon, this list is always growing!

Gym Addresses

Aerial Gymnastics
5959 N. Academy Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80918

Brown's Gymnastics
740 Orange Ave.
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714

Brown's Gymnastics-Houston
10516-G Old Katy Road
Houston, TX 77043

Charter Oak Gliders
841 N. Dodsworth Ave.
Covina, CA 91724

Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy
3635 Woodridge Blvd.
Fairfield, Ohio 45014

Cypress Academy
11707 Huffmeister Rd.
Houston, TX 77065
Desert Devils
7800 E. Pierce
Scottsdale, AZ 85257

Dynamo Gymnastics
7212 W. Hefner Road
Oklahoma City, OK 77043

Gold Cup Gymnastics
6009 Carmel Ave. N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87113

Hill's Angels Gymnastics
7557 Lindbergh Dr.
Gaithersburg, MD 20879

Moceanu Gymnastics Inc.
PO Box 90908
Houston, TX 77290-0908

Parkettes Gymnastics
401 Lawrence St.
Allentown, PA 18102

Twistars USA
1475 Lake Lansing Road
Lansing, MI 48912

If the address you're looking for isn't listed, you can write to any American Gymnast at this address

c/o USA Gymnastics
Pan American Plaza
201 South Capitol Ave. Suite 300
Indianapolis, IN 46225

Federation Addresses

Belarusian Gymnastics Federation
Kirov Street, 8/2
220600 Minsk, Belarus

Chinese Gymnastics Federation
Tiyuguan 9
Beijing, People's Republic of China

French Gymnastics Federation
7ter, Cour des Petites-Ecuries
75010 Paris, France

Romanian Gymnastics Federation
Str. Vasile Conta 16
70139 Bucharest, Romania

Russian Gymnastics Federation
Lujnetskaya Nabereynaya 8
Moscow 119.207, Russia

Ukranian Gymnastics Federation
Esplanadnaya Street 42
252023 Kiev, Ukraine

Uzbekistan Gymnastics Federation
P.O. Box 15, Ul. Poltoratskogo, 83
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Please come back soon! You can e-mail me at

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