Terri Runnels

Has been married to Dustin Runnels

Terri began her managing career in the WCW as the laptop carrying Alexandra York in 1990. She worked as the accountant for Michael Wallstreet, but that relationship didn’t last long as he went to the WWF.

She then formed the York Foundation, but she only got washed-up athletes like Terry Taylor, Ricky Morton and Tommy Rich. WCW could see that they weren’t going any where with the stable so it was quickly dumped.

In 1996 Terri, who was smoking a cigar, showed up at the Royal Rumble alongside Goldust, who at that night took on Razor Ramon for the Intercontinental Title. Terri’s interference eventually lead to Goldust winning the title. The next night at Raw is War Terri was given her new name - Marlena.

Marlena was an instant success and I think she was the reason for Goldust’s face turn. Marlena was also the centre of attention in a feud with Hunter Hearst Helmsley as he wanted her to be his valet, but she wouldn’t have none of him.

Triple H then got the huge amazon Chyna to attack Marlena. Goldust then engaged in a feud with Brian Pillman, who promised that if he lost the match at Summer Slam 1997 he would wear one of Marlena’s dresses. Pillman lost the match and was forced to wear the dress.

This turned Brian so insane that he stated that Terri and Dustin’s child Dakota, actually was his. This turned into a match at Ground Zero, where Pillman would get Marlena for 30 days if he won. Pillman did win the match as Marlena wanted to nail him with a loaded purse but ended up nailing Goldust.

During the stay with Pillman, Marlena changed looks she got a ring on her nose and another on her belly button. At the conclusion of the feud, Pillman unfortunately died, due to a heart disease.

On the November 3 episode of Raw, Terri and Dustin were interviewed, Terri was about to speak of the 30 days with Pillman, but Dustin exploded and stated that she was making him sick, and that he had found somebody else.

Marlena was then take of WWF TV for way too long, but she still worked on the independent circuit. But she returned on Raw is War, September 21, alongside “porn star” Val Venis and stated that she was through with Dustin. Though after she was dumped she tried to get back with Dustin, but he would have none of her.

But Terri had revenge in mind so on November 23 she teamed up with Jacqueline and both women delivered some low blows to their former male companions. This formed Pretty Mean Sisters or PMS for short.

PMS then had an on going relationship with D-Lo Brown, who accidentally caused Terri to get a miscarriage (though she wasn’t pregnant in the first place). D-Lo then did certain services for PMS.

April 18, Tiger Ali Singh promised $500 to anyone who would massage his feet, PMS made their way down, but after the massage he would only pay them $250. But PMS had an ace up their sleeve as their new love slave Meat attacked Singh.

PMS got a new member in the shape of Ryan Shamrock. At Raw is War, May 17, when PMS and Meat was beating on Test, Tori made her way down, and apparently she wanted to join PMS, but ended up beating Jackie and Ryan.

Seems like trouble in PMS, Ryan Shamrock is gone due to her getting fired, Terri and Meat have problems since Terri don't think Meat can deliver the goods in his matches after their "sex games", therefore she some times don't follow him to the ring. At Sunday Night Heat, August 1, she humiliated Meat further by getting him to kiss her feat, Jacqueline then left in disgust.

At Raw is War, August 30, Terri found out via G-TV that Meat had been making out with Mariana, when Meat tried to explain, Chaz ran down and started pounding on Meat. Mariana tried to stop Chaz but she and Terri ended up going at it.

At Sunday Night Heat, September 5, Terri attacked Mariana, who accompanied Meat to the ring, Chaz had to pull Terri away. The next night at Raw is War, Terri accompanied the Mean Street Posse to the ring, who are sealed to feud with Sean Stasiak (Meat).

At Smackdown, September 30, Terri Runnels announced that the team of Edge and Christian would take on the Hardy Boyz. The team which first got three victories would get $100,000 and her as a manager. Edge and Christian won the first match. The second match at Raw is War also ended with a victory for Edge and Christian.

At No Mercy, October 17, the final match between the Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian was fought. It was a fantastic Ladder match, where the Hardy Boyz won an acquired the services of Terri.

The next night at Raw, Terri came out with Gangrel, but when the Hardy Boyz and Edge and Christian decided to give him a beating, she decided to leave with the Hardy Boyz.

At Smackdown, November 11, Terri was involved in a big cat fight between all the women of the WWF. Terri an Debra fought all over the place and this resulted in a match at Survivor Series. At Survivor Series, Terri teamed up with Luna, Jacqueline, and Ivory. Terri's team lost, when Ivory was pinned. After the match Debra and Terri got it on again, which resulted in Terri getting her top ripped off.

Terri and the Hardy Boyz have been on a roll in the WWF ever since they got together, but Terri suffered a terrible injury at Raw is War, January 24, when the Dudley Boyz powerbombed her through a table.

Terri returned to TV at Sunday Night Heat, February 27, just before No Way Out – here she talked with the Acolytes, who promised that they would protect her, if she paid. At No Way Out the Hardy Boyz took on Edge and Christian for the number one contender spot. During the match Terri pushed Jeff Hardy of the ropes, Matt then went to her and asked her what she had done, which Terri responded to by slapping him, shortly after Matt was pinned. Terri wanted to side with Edge and Christian, but they would have nothing to do with her. Matt then grabbed Terri by the hair, but then the Acolytes did what Terri had paid them for, and they completely annihilated the Hardy Boyz.

The next night at Raw is War, Terri revealed that she turned on the Hardy Boyz, due to them not visiting her enough at the hospital. She then helped Edge and Christian defeat Al Snow and Steve Blackman, when she distracted Blackman.

It looks like Terri is trying to split up the team of Christian and Edge, since she twice have played injured, so Edge have tended to her, while Christian was getting pinned. At Raw is War, March 13 Terri once again distracted Christian, so Edge and Christian ended up losing yet another match.

At Smackdown, March 16, Terri cost Edge and Christian the chance to win the WWF Tag Team Title, when she handed the Dudley Boyz a chair. After the match the Hardy Boyz brought Terri back to the ring, where she was the recipient of a Spear from Edge.

Terri has started a feud with the Kat about TV time, so the two will clash in singles competition at WrestleMania.

At WrestleMania 2000, April 2, Terri clashed with the Kat in a Cat Fight - to be true it wasn't much of a fight, to win the match you had to throw your opponent out of the ring, when special referee Val Venis had his back turned - Terri was thrown out of the ring, but she returned to the ring and the Faboulous Moolah, who accompanied Terri, then ousted the Kat, which made Terri the winner.

At Raw is War, April 10, Terri continued her feud with the Kat, as Terri spiked a drink for the Kat. When the Kat was out of it, Terri and a hairdresser butchered the Kat's hair.

At Raw is War, May 1, Terri and Ivory took on Jacqueline the Kat. Jacqueline and the Kat won, but after the match Jackie and Ivory started fighting.

Chyna clashed against Dean Malenko at Raw is War, July 17, during the match Terri came out with her new protégé, Saturn, who took out Eddie Guerrero, a concerned Chyna was then counted out, when she went to Latin Heat's aid.

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