
Real Name : Debra McMicahel

The winner of numerous beauty contests, Debra arrived in WCW in 1996 as her then-husband Steve McMichaels's manager.

She turned heel on Steve in July 1997 and sided with Jeff Jarrett, this seemed to be a better deal, but Jarrett soon went back to the WWF, leaving Debra out in the cold.

Debra joined Jarrett in the WWF on the October 19th episode of Raw is War, with a new attitude - not to mention new, silicone-enhanced cans, which she has teased to show on more than one occasion.

She continued to manage Jeff and his new tag team partner Owen Hart to the WWF Tag Team Title. Jeff and Owen held onto the titles for quite awhile due to Debra being able to distract the opposition.

Jeff and Owen lost the title, but Debra has stayed loyal to them, even with Owen returning as the Blue Blazer.

Debra was supposed to get it on with Sable in an evening gown match at Raw is War, May 3, but Sable no showed and sent Nicole Bass instead, wisely Debra tore her dress to shreads.

At Raw is War, May 10, Debra took on Sable in an evening gown match for the WWF Women Title. Debra was distracted by the presence of Val Venis, so Sable tore off her dress. But Shawn Michaels had a different opinion, he stated that Debra was the winner since she got the dress off first, and so Debra won the WWF Women Title.

Rumors of Debra going out with Steve Austin has circulated the net lately. At Over the Edge, May 23, 1999, Owen Hart died, when he fell from 50 feet. The next day at Raw, Debra and all the other wrestlers paid tribute to Owen, Debra talked about the good time she had with Owen, she stated that she loved and missed him, and that he would always be in her memories. Debra also exposed herself at the show.

The next week Jeff won the Intercontinental Title, when he used Debra's belt to knock down the Godfather.

Debra was scheduled to take on Nicole Bass for the Women's Title, but Debra challenged Bass to a Bikini contest with the stipulation that if Bass lost, she wouldn't get the shot at the title. These events took place at Raw is War, June 7, and of course Debra won the contest and also saved Jeff Jarrett from getting nailed with a guitar. At Sunday Nigth Heat, June 13, Debra talked a referee into reverse a decision, which would have meant that Jeff had lost his Intercontinental Title to Test.

Jeff Jarrett has obviously become obsessed with Debra, so when other people look at her, he asks if they made a pass at her. At Raw is War, June 14, Debra defended her title against Ivory. During the match Nicole Bass made her way down and choked Debra out, she was then pinned and lost the WWF Women's title.

Jeff Jarrett and Debra seems to have some problems. Jeff wants to control Debra, so she don't show her puppies. When Jarrett lost the Intercontinental Title to D-Lo Brown on Raw, July 2, he blamed Debra for the loss.

At Raw is War, August 9, Jeff went up against Val Venis, when Debra tried to distract Venis, but it didn't turn out the way she hoped, as it was Jeff who ended up getting pinned. Jarrett then blamed Debra, this prompted Venis to return to the ring and knock Jarrett out of the ring. Val then followed Debra to the backstage area.

Debra and Jarrett continue to have problems. After Jarrett had lost to Meat at Sunday Night Heat, August 15, he blamed Debra, which lead to D-Lo Brown running in. When Debra was questioned about the incident she stated that she was fed up with Jeff, but he showed up an intimidated her to leave.

At Sunday Night Heat and Summer Slam, August 22, 1999, the problems between Debra and Jeff Jarrett proved to be a scam. When Jeff sent Debra to the back, she accompanied D-Lo instead, but during the match D-Lo's tag team partner Mark Henry made his way down, snatched the guitar from Jeff and knocked D-Lo's brains in. Debra, Jeff and Henry all celebrated as Jeff had won the Intercontinental and the European Title.

The next night at Raw is War, Jarrett stated that the plan had been all Debra's. So while Jeff gave the European Title to Mark, Debra got a personal assistant named Miss Kitty.

At Smackdown, August 26, Debra and Miss Kitty tried to distract the referee in Jarrett's match against Mr. Ass, but Chyna came down and whacked Debra with a guitar.

At Raw is War, September 22, Jeff and Debra took on Test and Stephanie McMahon. Test and Stephanie won the match, which got Jarrett to blame Debra. Jeff then put her in the Figure Four Leglock, Miss Kitty then pleaded him to release the hold, which he eventually did.

Debra finally broke the ties with Jarrett at Unforgiven, September 26, when she blasted him with a guitar, so that Chyna could pin him, but the referee reversed the decision.

The next night at Raw Jeff Jarrett challenged Chyna and Debra to a tag team match against himself and Tom Pritchard, which was accepted. During the match Jarrett had Chyna in the Figure Four Leglock, but Debra raked him in the eyes, this started a cat fight between Debra and Miss Kitty. Pritchard then nailed Chyna with a guitar, but she landed on Jarrett, who at the time was out cold, so she pinned him and won the match.

At Smackdown, November 11, Debra was involved in a big cat fight between all the women of the WWF. Debra and Terri Runnels fought all over the place this resulted in a match at Survivor Series.

At Survivor Series, Debra teamed up with Moolah, Mae Young, and Torrie to take on Jacqueline, Luna, Terri, and Ivory. Debra's team was victorious after Ivory was pinned. After the match Debra and Terri got it on again, which resulted in Terri getting her top ripped off.

At Backlash, April 30, Terri returned, when she worked as ring announcer for a match.

At Raw is War, October 30, Foley stated that he needed some one to help him make the tough decisions, so he got a "Lieutenant Commissioner" - Debra.

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