<!---Start of code--->
Which will get the following result: Or you can use this one:
<!---Start of code--->
If you want your linked added on this page mail me with the title and URL of your homepage. Remember to link back. You can use one of the codes right here, which is preferred:
<a href="/jfjwrestling/">
<img src="/jfjwrestling/banner1.jpg" alt="Please visit the Power Slam" height=123 width=397></img></a>
<!----end of code---->
<a href="/jfjwrestling/">
<img src="/jfjwrestling/banner2.jpg" alt="Please visit the Power Slam"></img></a>
<!----end of code---->
a site in Danish, but still kicks ass.
Danish Wrestling Fanclub a site in Danish, but still kicks ass.