It takes forever to accumulate pictures of you on your own horse -- something to do with finding someone else to use the camera! I have minutes of film footage, and so finally I felt yes, let's get some still shots too! Some were taken by friends who I then gave ponyrides on Juliette (maybe I'll add some shots later), or my Mom when she finally flew to Michigan, or my trainer Diane!
(Pictures are taken June/July 1998. Clicking on the thumbnails below will give you full size versions.)
Here's the obligatory pose! We're both smiling, see? (Very end of June, 1998)
We're finally taking a big jump on camera!
Here's a big trot. (June 1998)
I have tons of beautiful video jumping
footage, but the guy with the screen grabber hasn't upgraded yet
after he got a new system load. So here's a few shots my
mom took.....(June 1998)
The second circle shot (June 1998)
The third circle shot. (June 1998)
After all that "action," there's
nothing better than a good roll! (June 1998)