I signed up on 11/21/97 11:14:24, and would appreciate any help anyone can give me! I especially need Detroit Red Wings pictures, and am way too busy to gather them at the moment -- I have to get back to work!
Here's where I got my Hockey pictures:
Sergei's back! So far he's 11 goals in 16 games! Yehah!
Where's a good picture of his sweetie Anna?
Thought I'd add, after reading notes from other female fans: I never felt left out of hockey. My father drug me to the frozen gravel pit pond behind my grandparents when I was little, and I was playing goalie before I could skate! My mother was appalled at the huge bruises under my knees, but I was beaming. I had stopped the puck and our team won. After that, I played field hockey, and if you think *that* isn't dangerous, try to stand on the sidelines reporting for the school paper. Long after I had turned to running and skiing, I covered some field hockey games (ed-in-chief really means the-buck-stops-here) for my high school newspaper. I still remember writing down a stat, noticing a ball roll by my foot, and looking up in horror to see 6 girls with flying sticks trying not to run me over. I guess when you are pumped with adrenaline, it doesn't seem as scary, even as goalie.
My gym coach (and field hockey/basketball coach) was a little upset when I decided to run cross country instead of be her goalie. I think my argument had something to do with liking my anatomy the way it was. Mutilated women weren't all that marketable in an area where all the guys left to go into the military. With no sports scholarship options likely, I picked academics, running, & skiing.
*Ice* hockey was left out for most of us in upstate NY. The women at least got to continue hockey. Guys were stuck with football. Sorry, but it's STILL boring. In the Detroit area I see a lot more rinks for kids. So, I think women's ice hockey could someday gain a lot of popularity. As I grew up it was the *women's* rollerderby everyone liked to watch on Saturdays before the "normal" sports came on!
Comments anyone?