01/21/00 18:08:57
Name: Dr. Tom Gerou |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
10/07/99 00:14:51
Name: Karl Diener | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Link to your picture?: no | State/Country you're in?: MI | How'd you find us?: you |
Fav. Animal's Name?: Belle | Fav. Trainer?: Diane | Subject to file this under?: friends |
Hi, again!
08/24/99 18:03:13
Name: Mike Christian | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
State/Country you're in?: US | How'd you find us?: Anya T. | Fav. Animal's Name?: Scooter |
Fav. Trainer?: Me (he's my dog) :) |
What a great website! Never been on a horse in my life. Looks like fun. --Mike
08/24/99 14:07:05
Name: Jerry Masters | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State/Country you're in?: for now Louisiana |
How'd you find us?: personals | Fav. Animal's Name?: Bear Neccesity |
12/28/98 17:25:28
Name: Anya the Webmaster | My URL: Visit Me | State/Country you're in?: Michigan |
How'd you find us?: I live here :) | Fav. Animal's Name?: Juliette and Dusty | Fav. Trainer?: Diane Rodich |
Subject to file this under?: Deanna -- what's your email? |
Deanna Sidoli -- if you read this, please leave me your email address in the reply macro (which will send me email) (or here too, if you want). I'll try to answer your questions here in the meantime.
Why a Warmblood over a Thoroughbred? Warmbloods are beefier in general than Thoroughbreds (though if you have connections at a track, you can get the nicest "rejects" who were too big to get around quickly enough), which means they'll generally be sounder
after a few thousand jumps. Warmbloods (in general, again), are calmer to work with, and will have loftier movement than Thoroughbreds, which will tend toward flatter, more ground covering movement. My mare, a cross, has both, depending on how you "dial
her in," so she can switch effortlessly from Dressage to jumping. Finally, if you make a Thoroughbred baby, he'd better do well on the track to get your money back (though in some circles that is changing). Unless there's something major wrong with it,
r it's auctioned, Warmblood babies almost always go for $7500-$10000 as weanlings, and about 1/4 actually sell that early (or in utero!). Nice moving well bred grey babies easily sell for $12500, and if a 3 year old has nothing much going for it and is s
mply greenbroke, they'll always sell for $12500-15000 (unless the seller is desperate and in a hurry). It's not unusual for a fairly nice 3 year old to go for $20K, even at a Sporthorse auction (see Glenwood, near Sacramento). It's not just the breeders
-- geldings with training at high level Dressage are repeatedly auctioning for $60K to $75K. I often see ads for a gelding trained only to 2nd Level asking $30K. Trained jumpers, my golly, are selling for all over the map, often for $50K to $100K -- and
he showjumping Holsteiner stallion I'm looking to breed to, Corofino, recently sold for 1 million Marks (close to $600K US) to an Italian. Because he left the German Verband, I had to jump through my own hoops to get possibly the last available frozen br
eding anywhere!
For more info on Holsteiners, see www.holsteiner.com
As quoted under my filly's uncle Lesanto's website
In spite the fact that there are now more horses in international competition than ever before, only one breed has the versatility and athleticism to consistently capture more than 35% of the prizes in world-class horse show competition - though comprisin
only 6% of the participants. This is the magnificent Holsteiner.
Hope this answers your questions!
12/22/98 21:06:36
Name: Paul Purpura | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Link to your picture?: I wish |
State/Country you're in?: Virginia |
I'd just thought I'd drop by to say hi.
Later dudette
12/20/98 08:58:15
Name: Deanna Sidoli | My URL: Visit Me |
State/Country you're in?: California | How'd you find us?: Lemgo's website |
Fav. Animal's Name?: no faves at this time | Fav. Trainer?: none at present |
You have a beautiful mare. Out of curiousity how did you choose this breed over a TB (obviously Juliette's conformation and potential helped!). I am looking to find out more about this breed. Are there any trade magazines or other info that you could rec
mmend? I showed TB's on the California A/O circuits for many years and then when I married I sold my horses. I am looking to buy a nice A/O Holsteiner prospect for hack and some show now that I have some free time. The closest stable to me for training w
uld be Oaktree (where they have the Oaktree classic in September). How did you find your mare? She is really wonderful.
I throughly enjoyed your website and watching your "baby" grow. Good luck as you both move forward on the show circuit. I'll enjoy watching your progress (maybe on ESPN!)
11/20/98 16:25:38
Name: Dianne Thuen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Link to your picture?: no | State/Country you're in?: Dexter, MI | How'd you find us?: airplane |
Fav. Animal's Name?: Gretel (dog) | Subject to file this under?: strangers we meet |
Loved your web page. It took me a while to get to it but finally did and enjoyed it immensely.
11/11/98 15:22:22
Name: Susan Cooper | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
State/Country you're in?: Houston, Texas | How'd you find us?: search engine | Fav. Animal's Name?: Caduceus |
Fav. Trainer?: George Morris |
I love your horse, and I enjoy reading about her accomplishments. She is really lovely. Is she still for sale? Good luck in 1999.
10/11/98 18:46:32
Name: Janice Barnes | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Link to your picture?: www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/1669/Rosie.html | State/Country you're in?: Maryland.US | How'd you find us?: Holsteiner BB |
Fav. Animal's Name?: Brandy,Cameo,Rosie,Rum | Fav. Trainer?: Scott Hassler |
I vote for Riverman for your filly.I have a '97
Riverman filly.She's great, high scorer at her inspection and one of very few in the country to
score a "9" for movement.She was also Res Champ at the East Coast OLD/ISR foal championships. I also
have a '96 filly by Cor Noir(also premium) and expecting one by Parabol this spring.I'm licky to
live close to Hilltop Farm and see their stallions at work.Enjoyed the photos of your filly.
Janice Barnes
09/01/98 21:50:10
Name: Anya | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Link to your picture?: /Colosseum/Track/4110/pretty.jpg | State/Country you're in?: MI | How'd you find us?: Surfed |
Fav. Animal's Name?: Dusty & Juliette | Fav. Trainer?: Diane | Subject to file this under?: First note for the Guestbook |