Bob Dane: Both men quickly up, however, and Scorp POUNDING on O'Toole now! He lifts O'Toole HIGH into the air and drops him with that military press slam type manerver. O'Toole grabbing his back in pain!
Ring Decon: Now that moron Scorpion posing to the crowd! Scorpion walks up to the recovering O'Toole, and NAILS him with a chop! But O'Toole DUCKS a second chop, and SLAMS Scorpion HARD to the ground! O'Toole now LAYS in the stomps on Scorpion. Wimp...
Bob Dane: Now, as O'Toole SNAPS in a Bostan Crab, the ten second count is on! The fans count along, ten, nine.
Stern: BUT SOMEHOW, Scoprion manages to muscle his way OUT of the move! O Toole flys forward and nearly gets eliminated!
Dane: Five seconds to go! Scorpion's back in pain. O Toole returns to the attack! Timer's on three, two, one! There's the Buzzer!
Stern: Fans lettin out a collectivly massive booing for the next individual. Harley, who weights 250 lbs and hails from Australia, ignores Wilde trying to distract him from the set of Wildlive and hits the ring. He immeidatly goes after Scorpion, nailing him with a forearm shot, a knee to the gut, and a head butt, staggering Scorpion! Harley picks Scorpion up and slams him to the ground! Now O'Toole spins Harley around and tries to slam him, but Harley counters it with a knee to the head!
Decon: Now Harley choking the LIFE out of Scorpion, and REFUSING to let go! He's like a bulldog in there!
Stern: He's got Scorpion on the ropes! Scorpion's eyes starting to glaze over.
Hal: Almost twenty seconds gone by already. Finally he lets go of the hold. Scorpion looks out of it. Now, Harley takes Scorpion by the hair, builds momentum running Scorp across the ring, and FLINGS him over the top rope! Scorpion just too dazed to effectivly counter it, and winds up eliminated!
Stern: Leaving us down to Brian O'Toole and Harley! Harley blocks a right hand attempt and nails O Toole with a chop! He then gets in the QUICK ddt!
Dane: Harley looking good so far. He's one half of the World tag team champions in the AFW, so you know he's a top superstar in the world of wresling. Harley picks up O Toole, and drapes him over the top rope, trying to force him over. Toole hanging on as best he can.
Hal: The next man is fifteen seconds away. Decon, what number did you get?
Decon: Funny you should mention that. (Decon gets up like he's about to take his head set off.. but then the buzzer rings and someone in the distance steps though the ring curtains.) Gotchya!
Hal: Funny.. Next up, from the Association of Fantasy Wrestlers,, Dante! The cruiserweight sensation makes his way to the ring to the cheers of most the fans, dispite representing a compleatly differant orginization. He responds by slapping a few hands as he quickly walks to the ring area, enters the ring, and peels Harley off of O Toole. Dants kicks Harley in the midsection, and quickly applies a suplex to the big man!
Stern: As that moron Assassin O'Toole recovers, Dante hoists O'Toole up HIGH in the air and SLAMS him to the mat! He bounces off the ropes, and goes for a spinning elbow drop attempt, but Harley WISLY avoids it!
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