A fair chunk of my early ewrestling history can be found here, scattered, if you look in the right places, and find the links with the right spots. A tribute to myself, I guess? A way to collect some of the things I've written, and to remember some of the people I've been involved in ewrestling with.
Maybe a way to entertain a few interested parties. I started ewrestling the last week of March 1997, and have been doing it on and off ever since. If I had to pick my goal in life, I'd say right now, it'd be just writing, and creating. In a way, it's comforting to know what I want out of life. It hardly seems long enough for indecision.
I have a couple of blogs that I'm hoping to link here in a future update, once I get something on each one. One's for the Sims 2, the other's at a myspace space, dedicated mostly to Sebastian Dash. Needless to say, I have a lot of writing planned on the old plate.
A couple "links of the day" style links for you. Both games. Kingdom of Loathing is basically a web page that acts as a free, parody style massive multiplayer online game. Playing it has turned out to be a real, true blast. And Home of the Underdogs will offer you up a downloadable game in pretty much any style you care to find. Some of them are original. Some are ports of real games from the past, and a few are undated or original takes on real games. Mario Forever looks good. A much longer version of Super Mario Bros from the NES era. Unfortunatly, I can't seem to get it working on my end.
I'm seriously going to go through and spice this page up with as many relevent links as I can someday. Hehe.
Now reviving this page. Click on the link for My site! This page is updated irregularly. I'm still in ewrestling, and I'm going to try to add a few sub pages to here every few months. Represent some latest efforts, as well as some older pages.
Coming soon(er or later) - this'll be the link to go to local links on this website. Links do not nessicarily represent an endorsement or knowledge of the product, although in most cases, they're federations I know. Most cases, but not all.
ewrestling links | Of course. . . . all things change, and
if you keep an eye on this site, you just may see some things develop right
before your eyes! This was my first ever web site, actually, and it's got
a ton of old pages on it. Old stuff, so forgive the fact a lot of it is
mis spelled please! Note to self: Run spell check on THIS page, at least!
I'm dividing the links into sections, as you can see. Check out this
section of the page for information on all the links, as well as news,
commentary, and basically anything I decide to start babbling about!
That wasn't too bad, was it? lol Only 10 months til thesecond Spider-Man movie comes out!! I've got a fan fiction project going on at fanfiction.net - X-Men: A retelling of a classic. 27628 words, currently. I've been busy updating my BWWa subsection on my SCCW.8m.com site as well. Actually, there were quite a few bits and pieces of the website updated. A bunch of SCCW (NWC) history can now be found here, some newly added bio sheets from the old W2K (of SAFW fame) can be located here, and some information on the NWC's Hollywood section can be found in the form of one of my SCCW sub sites as well. . Sept 23, 2003. Adding a few links whenever I can! Not much new, no new chapters or reviews yet to my fanfiction.net story (though I did spend some time yesterday reflecting on the Christmas me and my brothers got an Intellivision for Christmas for a writing project - lol.) Sept 30th, 2003. Busy adding, and rearranging links, and what
have you. Using Netscape composer to properly organize things.
So as of this update, I've got all the links to NWC, CAL, and their member
regions, as well as links ot a few CAL members, and former regions.
I've got an extra fed or two up, just in case, with plenty more on the
way soon.
Toonopolis | Big West Wrestling association | |
Central States Wrestling Association | Coalition of Affiliated Leagues | |
National Pro Wrestling | Total Impact Wrestling | |
NWC Central | NWC Pacific | |
NWC Atlantic | Innovative Wrestling association | |
National Wrestling Council | NWC South | |
Seattle Wrestling Federation | ||
Empire State Wrestling | ||
New Westchester County Wrestling | Mid South Wrestling Association | |
New Westchester County Wrestling II | New Millennium Wrestling | |
Motor City Wrestling | ||
Total Impact Wrestling | ||
Sin City Championship Wrestling | New Attitude Wrestling | |
World eWrestling Alliance | Texas Championship Wrestling | |
Parliament City Wrestling | ||
Nintendo | fan fiction.net | |
Googlefights | archive.org | |
LBWF Founders's site | ||
Main page | The Tankes and co | |
Wilde Tanke | Rebecca Tanke | |
Shelly Hollins | Ace Tanke | |
Jeff Duane | Taranis | |
Lightning | ||
Sam Carnage | Mimic | |
Michael Dijn | ||
RPGFan | IGN.com | |
A little information on Wildlive | Best EWCW (Robert D's) card ever | Spotlight on Robert D's new world order |
NAWA's war with AFW card | ||
part of a Ring Deacon match or something | my 1997 characters | |
Some cruddy web-art mostly by me |
Note: The W2K Character application is
Unsponsored by Toonopolis
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