This is what a goalie looks like when Mario Lemieux is on the ice! Watch out for FLYING PUCKS!!!
Hi! Welcome to my homepage! My name is Dave. Thanks for stopping by.
Well, thanks to a good friend of mine named Adesta, this web page is getting better and better. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all her help on making my page better. Thanks so much for all you've done Des. You are a true credit to friendship.
I am very much into sports, especially hockey. My fave teams are the Pittsburgh Penguins(of course) and the St. Louis Blues.
Basically, this page will deal will all things Penguins, and Mario Lemieux. This page is dedicated to him, doubly so since he's now retired. Also, you can learn as little or as much as you want about me. Third, this is also a Star Wars page, where those who, like me, just can't get enough of the Force, can learn about its incredible powers! So go now! Check it out. You'll like.
Ron Francis, thank you for all the years you put into the Pens organization, and thank you for the memories!!! We love you!
Well, another hockey season is almost upon us, and all I can say is.....ARE YA READY FOR SOME HOCKEY???!!! I know I am! I always hate the off-season, cuz the only hockey I get to see is Pro-Beach on ESPN2. Not that that's bad or anything, just no substitute for the real thing. The Blues signed Roman Turek, and that is a good thing because my Blues need some goaltending! Fuhr's not gettin' any younger, and McLennan (sorry Jamie!) just ain't gonna cut it.
I would now like EVERYONE who visits this page to take a minute and sign my guestbook below. Thanks.
Once again, thanks for stopping by, and please come back soon. Have a GREAT day!
I believe he scored!
The Holy Grail of Hockey!!!!
If it wasn't for this amazing man,
we wouldn't have a team! Thank you Mario!
You are goalie number to be scored upon by Le Magnifique !
The God of hockey!!!!!
One of the last times these two would be seen together on the ice.
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