Some Pictures of Me and Friends

For a whole bunch of pictures of the Reynolds Rowdies click HERE.

Alan Booth and myself before a very wet football game against Ohio.

Miss Karen and myself before the Dean Dome Debacle of 99.

The Student Wolfpack Club during the NCSU/unc-ch basketball game 99.

The original duo.  Kevin Ring and me before a game in 97?


Those are binturongs climbing on my head.  Fascinating creatures.
These two are named Becky and Coda.  The picture was taken
at the Carnivore Preservation Trust in Pittsboro, NC.


Two of the wee piglets I sort of helped deliver this summer working at a farm.
On July 4th, one of the sows had SEVENTEEN piglets.  I spent four or five
hours sitting in the barn with her, helping the new piglets come into the world.



A few pictures of my critters.  The dog's name is "Reece" after his resemblance to a Reece's Peanut butter cup.  The cat is "Rudy" whose nicknames also include "Fang" and "Fat Boy".

Hopefully I will be able to fix my scanner and put some more pictures up soon.

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