
Here is where you will find small bios and great pictures on certain players. There are also links to sites and stories on current and former gophers like: Brian Bonin, Dave Spehar, Ryan Kraft, Nick Checco, Neal Broten, Darby & Danny Hendrickson, Robb Stauber and many others.

Former Gopher, Brian Bonin, poses for pictures with Coach Woog and his Hobey

Here is senior Ryan Kraft celebrating after scoring a goal. ryan


Below you will find pages with text, photographs, links or any combo.

Picture and short bio on Brian Bonin 3-2-1 co-champions

Picture of spehar See Spe Spill

DeBus, DeBus, De B-U-S Spehar, before the Gophers

Casey, Brent, wrong sport guys!

Krafty So Sad

See Ras, See Ras Smash "I wanna be like Mike"

Short hair, 1 down, more to go Seniors

"Fresh from the barbershop" Mr. Hockey

See Bonin up for a face off Picture of Hankinson

Boni Hobey Notes

Where is ______ Now? See any Gophs?

The '74 Champs The Hank

Have a favorite player?

Email me and I'll try to put more pictures and info of them on the page- captain_12@hotmail.com

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