
OArctic WillowO is a 16.2 h.h bay registered Canadian Sport Horse Gelding. Windigo, as he is known in the barn, is sired by Tamarack II, and out of a thoroughbred mare named Arctic Poppy. He has many full brothers and sisters who won CHSA line classes in Toronto, Canada when they were young in the 1980s. The lady I bought him from bred him, and raised him. He has been shown extensively dressage. What is dressage you ask? Click

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We showed this year. At our first regular show, he was Junior Basic Champion, Junior High Point Champion and Reserve Highpoint freestyle Champion, showing Basic 1/2. His scores were all 60s. 64% was our highest. Two weeks later we went to the Prestigious OADG Dressage Festival. We ended up with 3 3rds, and another Reserve Championship to add to our name. He went on to compete at the Quebec Provincial Championships. We finished 9th in the qualifier, 8th in the Championship, and 6th in the freestyle. We qualified to compete at the Nationals Championships in Ottawa. He finished 14th in the qualifier, which did not permit us to go to the final ( top 12), but we were 3rd in the consolation. To read more about Nationals, click

here Windigo has been started slowly over fences, December 1997. His previous owner never did jump him. We are working on his flying changes now, and they are coming along really nicely. He can now do a simple 2O3 -2O6 course... Vicki Andrews says he is really good with his knees, as he tucks them right up underneath him. Home