Whitman House 1998

An Ode to Tully
Tully, Tully Tully....... Yup....This is the place that I am calling home while attending Acadia University. Whitman House is close to 100 years old.  I am currently living on the third floor with my own room, the smallest room in the house.

Frosh Week

More on frosh week to come... In the mean time, you may gaze at this pretty picture of our wonderful frosh bosses on Tully beach
Left to right: Jill Keeping, Lise Depres, Rachel Creasor, Tara Lester, Alicia MacGilvray, Andrea Beazly, Sue Synder, Lindsay Humphrys, Helen Eddy, Leigh Mitchener
More on Frosh week on the way!!!!!!!
