All first year recreation management students engaged in an orientation event Friday September 25, 1998, and September 26, 1998. There were many activities that took place over the two days that fulfilled various objectives set out by the organisers.
Icebreakers and Get to Know You Games
The day started off with the "icebreaker and get to know you games". We all went outside. The first game we had to participate in was to get into a circle in alphabetical order by first name, without speaking to each other. Most people were able to make some sort of hand gestures forming the letter of their first name. We all were successful this way. Fortunately, I was standing beside three people named Dan. We then were paired up with someone we had not met before. We then stated to mingle with that person. Eventually we introduced our partner to the group and vice versa. The main objectives of the icebreaker and games were to become a part of a group, to meet other students, and to have fun. By having everyone in a circle, we were able to feel a part of a group. The name games enabled us to meet other students. The whole activity was fun to be outside, in the sunshine on U-Hall lawn.
Professional Information Session
The professional information session proved to be quite beneficial. There were 4 guest speakers. There were many objectives met in this program. We were able to gain knowledge of the Acadia University Recreation Program. We met other professionals in the field. We also learned about many future opportunities in the recreation field. We also started to feel more like a group.
The first guest speaker was Ann Dodge from the Kinesiology Department. She stressed how our field of recreation touches the lives of so many more people than that of the kinesiology department. She stressed the importance of not giving up in what you believe in.
The second speaker was Ted Melgrum, who formerly worked with Sport Nova Scotia. He added the importance of getting involved in activities while at university. He also reminded all of us that no one else takes care of us in life but ourselves. We are all to have fun along the way too.
Carol Randell was the third speaker of the day. As an Acadia University graduate, he stressed the importance of working hard, but playing hard too. Recreation is about loving life and taking care. As an employer, he added the importance of making sure that you get involved in campus activities.
George, was the next speaker of the day. He encouraged all of us to take up an outgoing attitude on life. Getting experience in the field that you want to be in is important for professional development. If you make your mark with an employer when you walk in the door, that employer will remember you.
The final speaker of the day was Dr. Robertson from the Recreation department. She also stressed the importance of professional development through the Acadia Recreation Management Society.
We were able to learn about the recreation management program at Acadia University through the various addresses the speakers made. We learned more about these professionals as they were able to tell us how their Acadia University degree helped shape their future. All the speakers emphasised that the people in first year recreation were going to be our colleagues and friends for life. By giving us such a base and start for networking, we are able to feel like a group.
Faculty Address
The faculty address in the Wolfville Room was an important part of the day. Not only did we meet many professors, and departmental employees, we were also able to meet the "person" side of them. They told us about how they got to be where they were, and what changes have taken place along their educational journey. Some upperclassmen from the various streams talked to us next about their experiences with the recreation management program at Acadia University. The objectives in this activity were to gain knowledge of the recreation management program, and meet other students, and faculty. By introducing us to other students, and faculty, the freshman now know some upper-classmen, and other faculty members.
Meet and Greet with Students and Faculty
At dinner, we ate some barbequed food, which was very good. This break time gave us a chance to mingle with various faculty members, as well as other students. The objectives of dinner, other than to feed us, were to meet other students and faculty members. Many people talked to the professors over hot dogs and hamburgers. Other students congregated inside eating, and naturally struck up conversation. We were able learn the names of some other students, and other general information.
Scavenger Hunt
The scavenger hunt broke us all up into groups of three. Each group was named a fruit. We all started to say, "I am a prune!", or, "I am an apple!" I was an apple. Fortunately, one other member from my group, Jani, was from Wolfville, and had a car, which proved to be very effective as we were able to drive everywhere to gather our information. The main purpose of this activity was for us to meet other students, to be a part of a group, and to have fun. By giving us a list of various places in town, and things to search for, we were able to have fun. It was in the form of a race, though the groups did not break up. The group situation was achieved by keeping all of us together. We had fun running all over town for various items such as library books, and toothpaste.
Adventure Games
First thing in the morning, we were broken up into groups. We started off with various icebreaker exercises. These games were meant for all of us to meet other students within our the first year recreation program, as well as to meet other students in upper years, who served as our leaders. These games were fun. We really did start to feel like a part of a group.
Trust Initiatives
The trust initiatives had people start to rely on other people for various activities. First of all, we did a lot of mirror exercises, and "falling" onto other people. We learned the correct way to fall, as well as various safety measures that would be used for the group initiatives and adventure courses. The trust initiatives were meant to have people become a part of a group, and to have fun.
Group Initiatives and Adventures
There were many different group initiatives. The first initiative that our group participated in was the "backwards falling". We got up onto a log and then fell backwards, trusting those around us that they would catch us. The second group initiative we were a part of was the high ropes. I overcame my fear of heights and stopped clinging onto the pole for dear life to step out onto the wires. The final group initiative we took part in was the wall climbing. At the wall climbing, everyone had to try to get over this wall by helping each other out over it. The main objectives that were met in these activities were to be a part of a group, and to have fun. I had never participated in any activities such as this, so the challenge made it fun. It was good to be a part of a group. Everyone in our group became a team throughout the day, and were able encourage others when they encountered difficulties. The other people in the group were able to cheer people on then when they overcame these difficulties.
Overall Weekend Impressions
I thought that this weekend was an incredibly beneficial weekend to all the members of the first year recreation class. We were able to meet other people that we might not otherwise be able to. We gained some insight into what the next four years holds for us. The objectives were all successfully met. I learned about the program of recreation management. We met many people from the field of recreation, who are enjoying what they are doing. The first year recreation students, now feel more a part of the recreation class. Overall, it was truly a weekend to remember.
Acadia Recreation Management First Year Class of 1998
Groups hanging out together,< ahem Terry, and Mary :)>
Super Stars........