Welcome to my page all about one of my favorite sports---Frisbee Golf. What is frisbee golf you may ask. Frisbee Golf is like regular golf but with a few differences. The most obvious difference is in Frisbee Golf you throw a frisbee rather than hitting a ball. The Frisbees in this game are different than regular frisbees. These frisbees or discs are usually heavier and more airodinamic than the frisbees you play catch with.  These frisbees are also smaller in diameter and different variations of official pdga (pro disc golf assoication) discs allow them to do different things. In disc golf there are drivers, putters, hookshot discs and slice discs. Starting out you only need a driver. Below are some pictures of the different kinds of frisbees my family and I use. The next step is to take your frisbee and throw it at a basket which is also pictured below. Just like in golf you try to get it in the basketin as few of shots as possible. The best part is that Frisbee golf is usually free to play all you have to do is buy the disc.
Disc Golf basket

Driver cross-section

Putter cross-section

Notice how the Putters and Drivers are designed differently.
The sharper the cut on the edge of the frisbee the faster it turns.
And high turning frisbees have a faster speed, and faster frisbees go farther.
But be careful the faster frisbees are also harder to control.

The Cyclone is a good disc for beginners
But my favorite brand of frisbee, and the kind most people prefer is
Innova.  Innova makes the frisbees with the animals on them.

another driver

The kind of putter I used to use

Coming Soon, Waverly Iowa's Frisbee Golf course discription.

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