

By now I'm sure it's pretty apparent that this site is dead. No, this site has been dead for a while, so this place is nothin' but a decayed corpse stinkin' up the online ball'n community. The promise of a new site died a while back, but I couldn't bring myself to close the place after hyping up the come back to my boyz on the net. So I left it open...

But I'm going to be the first to admit, I was wrong in saying I could do what I set out to do. I thought I could come back and get right back in the running with all the other great hoop sites that seemed to be emerging early on this season. And then once I caught up with them, I'd just kick it up, and show all just who truly reigned on this court known as the WWW. Despite a heavy workload with school, two jobs, and life, I still had set the aspirations for this site really high... too high, I realized not too long ago.

All the praise from friends and all the, "You can do it's" had me going for a while, but not anymore. It's tough enough to do what I had done originally with this place, let alone what I wanted to do in the future. Though I'm proud to be one of the innovators for making hoop sites what they are today, from what they had been before I started. And yeah, I may sound vain in saying that, but ya have to admit, it's relatively true. Basketball sites were crap a while back. And no, it wasn't just me who brought about this change. It was all the others competing to be the best out there, while at the same time trying to make something of the hoop fan site genre. Originality, and consistency in quality and creativity started to thrive with hoop sites, and the kidz liked it! And they still like it. It's just that people began to realize just how much work it takes to keep something like that going strong. Yeah, they start out cool, but if you look around, though the sites still look good, their material is dated. I had a run where I kept things going for a whole season, and I found that most people who started viewing my site switched to JumpShot because other's just quit updating. My site wasn't the greatest (though it was far from the worst), but players respect others who show respect to the game they love. And that is what kept JumpShot going as long as it did.

I started it back in the Summer of '96, with only the intention of displaying what the game truly meant to my life and the true admiration I had for it. No way did I ever think that so many people would be checking it out, or asking me to help them with their own site, or trying to buy my site from me (yeah, only two companies said they were interested, but $$$$ is $$$$). But despite the recognition, I just wanted to show people how to go about a basketball website. I never really outwardly said, "JumpShot is better then everyone else" (though JuKe did a few times), but rather I tried to be an inspiration to others starting out. Any trash spoken was merely done in jest to keep that competition going, to keep people trying to achieve. You can ask Dominate or Manu or Andrew, 'cause what we had going with our sites was all good. Yeah, we all tried to out do the other. But at the same time, we helped one another. True, there were a few punks out there who we at JumpShot had to openly and blatantly bash and make an example of. But kidz have to realize you don't bring smack if you can't bring game to back it. And all too often, those who tried to rage on JumpShot had no game. So, we punked 'em. And you all know who you are, so we aren't saying anything else 'bout that. I'm not even going to get into the morons who thought I was trying to make my site, "too black for a middle class white kid". Though I will say this: I depicted only how I was taught the game in the environment in which I played it, being true to who I am, and not trying to be someone I am not. I did truly talk that way back in the day, and 'sides, my site was the only "street style" site out there at the time... okay, getting into it too much. Moving on.

Before closing, I want to say that despite me shutting this site down, this in no way gives anyone the right to use the name JumpShot for their own basketball site. I'm still online checking out hoop sites, and if anyone uses this site's name for their own, you will be shut down. Seriously. You think I'm playin', but I'm not. So check yourself before using it. 'Cause regardless of this site's death, it still lives through out the internet's basketball sites.
Spooky, no?

And with that, I'm out. Later kidz.
It was been fun.

'Nuff said.

P.S. - Any comments n' such? Just click my name above and email 'em to me.

JUMPSHOT © Wishful Reality Design
R.I.P April 1997 - December 1999
