Welcome to my CRIB on da Net

Sup peepz! Naw Charlotte aint where I live but datz my
basketball team (Hornetz!) so my page
is dedicated to the team of the FUTURE .. Charlotte!
So anywayz lets get ROWDY!

* Herez my picture dawgz! *

This Saturday der is a 5 on 5 tourny in Memphis, TN. It may
be at da McFarland Center at 10 AM. My team iz da Tank Dawgz!
We comn to represent nigga and we aint goin down witout a fight!

TANK DAWGZ ROSTER -[ 6 . 20 . 98 ]-

Da Guardz

Viral Purohit
Amit Bhakta

Da Fowardz

Chirayu Purohit
Hetal Bhakta
Nirav Bhakta

Da Centerz

Sunjay Bhakta

-[ My AutoBiography of Sportz ]-

[Basketball] one of da best down here, read my book kush it will help
[Football] i play QB, RB and diz where da Train INC first formed
[Soccer] lotttttttz of running, i stick to bein Goalie
[Baseball] lotz of peepz hate playn dis sport but i luv it! Batter Up
[Volleyball] i aint all good at dis sport, but hey i can play it

well datz mainly all da sportz we play in memphis
and wit all deez sportz memphis formz da MIAA
Memphis Indian Athletic Association

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The Charlotte dAwG pOuNd created June 1998.
WebSite updated on -[ 6.15.98 ]-
© Nick Tha Quick Productionz

Ive smoked weed timez dis week.

Nick Tha Quick Productionz