Here are some pictures of our birds. It all started in the Spring of 1994 when Marie found the first parakeet outside her dorm. From there the collection has grown to 8 parakeets and 1 cockatiel. In order of how we obtained them: Patrick, Perry, Penny, Peyton, Patricia, Percy, Pavel, Priscilla, and Peter. Penny is nursing 5 more chicks, but we haven’t named them yet. Prissy, Peter, and the 5 chicks will be given to Mercy Care Center in Omaha, Nebraska as part of a program to bring companionship to patients rooms.
Here are a few pictures we recently took of our birds.
Peter and Priscilla
Don't ask us to determine your bird's gender. We had quite a problem of our own. After we pruchased Patricia, we thought we had 2 matched pairs. As it turns out, Patricia is the only male to go along with 3 females. Percy, Pavel, Priscilla, and Peter are the children of Patricia and Penny.
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