Welcome Sports Fans, and Mariner Fans!!!
Created: May 5, 1997
Updated: May 26, 1998
Comments? Questions? email me.
For up to the minute Mariner game scores, go to SPORTSZONE.
Check out something REALLY COOL!!!
Hello there fellow Mariner fans! At this site, you can find out almost everything youneed to know about the best team in the west. This years team looks as if they'll be sweeter than Pamela Lee. Please keep in mind that this is a personal, non-official site, and the contents in this site are not meant to hurt or offend anybody. Be sure to check out the new TEAM STORE, and MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL CHAT. The chat room is always busy, and It's absolutely free to sign up for. Just go to ESPN and fill out the forms and stuff and you'll be chatting with baseball fans all around the world. It's ALWAYS busy and is a cool place to meet fellow Mariner Fans.
How To Contact A Player
To get more info on how to contact a player, write to the Mariners OFFICE to get the
address. For more on this subject go to Mariners Fanmail.
Ticket Information
Here are a list of ticket prices for a Seattle Mariner regular season game:
- BOX $22
- FIELD $20
- CLUB $18
- VIEW BOX $12
- VIEW $11
There are also several season ticket plans available. The Full Season Plan,
The Weekend Plan, The Business Plan and The Mariners Care Plan. For more ticket info, or to order your
tickets online, go to Mariners Ticket Info.
Minor League Affiliates
If you need to know anything about the Seattle Mariners Farm teams, from Rookie League to
Triple A, go to Minor League Affiliates.
Question of the Week
The question of the week, is checked and tallied up every Friday. Results are then posted
and a new question will be asked. Please limit yourself to one vote per visit. It would be greatly appreciated.
Also don't forget to vote for this weeks Mariner of the week!
After voting, be sure to hit your "back" button on your web browser to get back to this site!
Page Awards
This site has received the cool Mariner Site of the Month Award.
Hopefully there will be more to come.........
The New Mariner Stadium
Finally. A new home. After the long wait, the Mariners will finally get what they wanted.
Of coarse they'll have to wait till 1999, but what's another two years? The projected cost
for this fiasco is $384 million, barring any unforseen problems. Want to learn more? Go to
Ballpark Watch. If you need info on the
King County Domed Stadium, go to Kingdome Stuff.
Weekly News
Sorry i've been really busy maintaining another site. Sorry to those who faithfully come here. Well anyway, i don't know about those mariners. THEY ARE BELOW 500 again. oh well. hopefully they'll trade Randy and get a 2 for 1 deal somewhere.
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