The standing for our league are limited to the Minor and Major divisions.
While we keep score in the Rookies division there are no standings.
In the T-Ball division we keep neither scores or standings. (Its all Fun, and it's all good)

The Minor Division
Here are the minor standings as of 3/27/99:
Team ----------- Wins -- Loses -- PCT -- GB
Minor Rockies --- 0 ---- 0 ------ 1.000 -- 0.0
Minor Astros ----- 0 ---- 0 ----- 1.000 -- 0.0
Minor Giants ----- 0 ---- 0 ----- 1.000 -- 0.0
Minor Red Sox --- 0 ---- 0 ----- 1.000 -- 0.0
Minor A's -------- 0 ---- 0 ----- 1.000 -- 0.0
Minor White Sox - 0 ---- 0 ----- 1.000 -- 0.0

The Major Division
Here are the Major standings as of 3/27/99:
Team ---------------- Wins -- Loses -- Tie-- PCT -- GB
Major Astros ---------- 0 ---- 0 ------ 0 ---- 1.000 -- .00
Major Giants ---------- 0 ---- 0 ------ 0 ---- 1.000 -- 0.0
Major Yankees -------- 0 ---- 0 ------ 0 ---- 1.000 -- 0.0
Major Indians ---------- 0 ---- 0 ------ 0 ---- 1.000 -- 0.0
Major Diamondbacks -- 0 ---- 0 ------ 0 ---- 1.000 -- 0.0

These standings are upgraded approximately every two weeks during the season depending upon how frequently the webmaster gets input (and how freqently he can find the time)