The Home Page of
T. D. Kadrlik

The following is the intellectual property of T. D. Kadrlik and is not to be considered an offer for anything. The content herein is subject to change.


Biographical Information

Personal Interests

Current Projects

Professional Information

Hot List

Contact Information

Biographical Information

I was born 3 days after the vernal equinox in 1959. I grew up in a southern suburb of the Twin Cities. Growing up here I was hit by cars twice in the same week. I soon realized that "looking both ways" didn’t mean UP and DOWN.

I managed to complete high school, to my parents amazement who thought I would drop out. During this time I realized that someday I would be a responsible adult. But instead this happened… O.K. now it was time to grow up - awww not just yet.

Some how I decided a career in technology "electronics" could be a good way to earn a living, later I learned the big K is in sales/marketing. So I got a degree in Electronics and went to work

At a friends party (The Black Tie Party) I met my wife Wendy, but we didn’t know it at the time. A year later she called me for directions to a local nightclub and we went out that night. About a year later she freed me form the shackles of bachelorhood. We flew to Las Vegas and got married at midnight

Together we ordered a new "84" Grand Prix "Buckey" and bought the house where we now live at latitude 44.949282, longitude -92.97830. The house has a pool that does nothing for 9 months then I clean it for the other 3.

Two years after ordering Buckey Wendy picked me up after work I had a tough day and barely noticed the kleenex on the dash board. On the ride home Wendy finally told me she was pregnant "What do you think the baby booties on the dash mean?" "Huh? I dono? I thought it was kleenex." And in June Brittany was born. Having done such a wonderful job with the first we decided to have another. This time we found out while at the hospital where my mother was having angyoplasty. That fall Kelsey was born. Again another great job. Since then Bucky was joined by an "88" Festiva "Babycar" and eventually replaced by a "93" Grand Am "Pepper". We kept the kids.

Recently I have been "hounded" into getting a dog. Macy "Cartoon Dog" was adopted from an animal shelter as a puppy. The dog is a pure AKC black and white dog. She is neurotic.

So things go on from here, I hope to add more and provide you with some of my favorite links and such. Be sure to check back.

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Personal Interests

Golf, Skiing, Fitness, Programming, Reading Science Fiction, Whatever…

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Current Projects

I have recently completed a Windows based program that provides a simple and consistent format for residential pre-plan information.

This program features an easy to use interface for the entry of information, a simple and consistent format for graphic and text information. Site data is recalled by address. The programs unique data base requires only 50Mb of storage for 10,000 homes.

The program can be integrated with 911 systems for enhanced automation of data retrieval. The integration with 911 systems allows for funding from that source. It can also be a fund raiser for the departments using this product. This program can also be expanded to include commercial, industrial, and public sites.

I currently am seeking assistance for the marketing of this product. If you are interested in this opportunity and are able to help I would like to hear from you.

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Professional Information

Job title

Advanced Technologist

Key responsibilities

Internal consultant for the application of automated inspection systems for process and quality control.

Department or workgroup

A little place that makes tape and about 60,000 other things.

Automation Technologies - Machine Vision

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Hot List

This is in process. You can try most search engines I usually find something there.

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Contact Information

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Last Revised: 3/12/97

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