Coach Christine Clifton

Farewell 3.1 Cliffy!!

Why Coach Clifton is called "3.1 Cliffy"?

Coach Clifton is a young woman who has made an impact on the East Haven Girl's Team.  She has become the topic of many conversations around East Haven.  This household name, Chris Clifton, has unfortunately packed her bags and moved to Colorado, many, MANY miles away!!  She will be SORELY missed.   

The fun times with Coach Clifton are too great to be counted.  She has taught us many things in her years' stay here at East Haven.  We have learned that it is not fair to take one's belongings (hot chocolate) without asking.  We have learned that a relationship between a runner and his/her coach can be exciting.  We have learned that when stuck at a Golf Course with no bathroom facilities available, simply go into the woods and "Drip Dry".  Most importantly, Coach Clifton taught us that if you have plans to map and measure a course, be sure that the coach is with you; this can avoid future problems that are unnecessary.

Our Final Goodbye's.  Coach, we hope that you never forget us, fore we surely will NEVER forget you!  You have been a significant figure in our lives, and a day doesn't go bye that we don't talk of you.  From Tony Violano: THE HUG will live in my heart forever.  From Boney and Chaput: We promise to use 12 inch rulers next time!  From John Castelluzzo: You have been a great coach.     

We really will miss you.

Here's 3.1 Cliffy Getting Ready To "Drip Dry"!

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