Being a true computer geek, I get all my day to day information from the web. I very rarely watch TV or pick up a newspaper. Any time I want current event information, I go to the CNN, USA Today, or Weather Channel sites. If I want local news, I go to the WLOX or The Sun Herald sites. If I want any information about any subject, do you think I pull out a book, or go to the library? Not only no, but HELL NO! I go to Yahoo! or one of the other search engines and find everything I ever wanted to know and then some. By the way, you can find this site listed with Yahoo! here.
The only thing I could not get from the web was local running and racing information. I waited with great anticipation each month for my Gulf Coast Running Club newsletter to see what events would be held that month. I decided that something must be done! The rest (as they say) is history.
I welcome any comments or suggestions