Others who have visited and have the guts to admit it!

Erica - 02/08/00 01:35:48
My Email:a51065@fuse.net
Where ya' from?: Kentucky
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Ever been to the coast?: No

i really like your webpage. Its real cool. I like the pictures and the club things.

Max Lemons - 02/04/00 15:19:45
My Email:maxrach@zetnet.co.uk
Where ya' from?: In the U.K. right now
Age: 29
Sex: male
Years Running: lots...
Favorite Distance Run: Governor's Cup, Columbia, S.C.
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

Great site. It is nice to see names that I recognize from my life there many moons ago. See you all again summer 2000!

john - 01/31/00 01:27:42
My Email:jwilson@farmcreditbank.com
Where ya' from?: arcadia, la.
Age: 48
Years Running: 15
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: yes


Frank Bogus - 01/21/00 01:17:12
My Email:fbogus71@yahoo.com
Where ya' from?: Nebraska, but live in MS
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Years Running: 7 more off than on
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: live on it


james thorsten - 01/18/00 02:45:46
My Email:jabthor@msn.com
Where ya' from?: grand rapids, mi
Age: 54
Favorite Distance Run: 15k
Ever been to the coast?: yes

nice looking site. jest surfing and came across it. i'm originally from the gulf coast. left there about 20 years ago. was back about 5 years ago to visit family. would love to get down again. i often check the temp on the coast to compare it with o rs, esp. in the winter. when we're 20 and you're 60 i get homesick. but then in the summer when you're 95 and we're 70 i feel better. james thorsten

David Crpss - 01/14/00 16:59:36
My Email:Dspot1@aol.com
Where ya' from?: Virginia
Age: 32
Years Running: 18
Favorite Distance Run: 10k
Ever been to the coast?: Just moved here


Leo Wegmann, Jr. - 01/08/00 16:19:18
My Email:LeoWeg@aol.com
Where ya' from?: New Orleans
Age: 53
Sex: Male
Years Running: 10
Favorite Distance Run: 5K
Ever been to the coast?: Yes


Bryan McGee - 12/31/99 07:06:30
My Email:bkmcgee@watervalley.net
Where ya' from?: Corinth ,MS
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Favorite Distance Run: 10k
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

This is a very nice web page!!!! Keep it up...

Gay Barnes - 12/27/99 16:30:29
My Email:gbarnes@i-55.com
Where ya' from?: Bogalusa,La
Age: 53
Sex: Female
Years Running: Walker 4 yrs
Favorite Distance Run: Hale Boggs Bridge
Ever been to the coast?: yes

Always looking for a race with walking Going to try a half marathon in Feb. in New Orleans. Will carry cab fare, just in case!!!!

Kim - 12/16/99 04:55:17
My Email:Pit1prisnr@aol.com
Where ya' from?: Biloxi, MS
Age: 42
Years Running: 9 months
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: yes


Jimmy Teringo - 12/09/99 15:07:18
My Email:jimmyt@pandaenergy.com
Where ya' from?: Dallas
Age: 44
Years Running: 14
Favorite Distance Run: 10mi
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

Grew up on the Coast and visit regularly and was looking for a race over the Xmas holidays. Old and slow but enjoy running. Sun Herald gave me your website. Thanks for all the info and for maintaining the site. JKT

Caryl Deems - 12/06/99 14:33:12
My Email:Caryl_Deems@pap.state.ga.us
Where ya' from?: Byron, GA
Age: 37
Sex: Female
Years Running: 14
Favorite Distance Run: 10K
Ever been to the coast?: No

I'm a member of the Robins Pacer Running Club here in Middle Georgia. One of our members was wondering if there is a 10K or Half-Marathon scheduled in 2000 in Biluxee, Miss. Can you help?

- 11/26/99 23:36:09
My Email:klgreg@aol.com
Where ya' from?: Gulfport
Age: 39
Years Running: 19
Ever been to the coast?: yes

Is there a group on the Gulf Coast that does track/interval workouts one night a week? I'm a distance runner who needs some new running motivation.

Terrie - 11/22/99 17:30:59
My Email:hilbun@megagate.com
Where ya' from?: Laurel
Age: 36
Years Running: 5 months
Favorite Distance Run: 10 miles
Ever been to the coast?: yes

I'm about to run my first marathon at Stennis on the 27th. Ran a 20k about a month ago and it wasn't bad. Scared to death now.

- 11/22/99 04:56:36


Bobby - 11/22/99 04:55:48
My Email:bobby_laskowski@msn.com
Where ya' from?: Houston, Texas
Age: 54
Sex: Male
Favorite Distance Run: 10K
Ever been to the coast?: Yes


Bobby laskowski - 11/22/99 04:52:38
My Email:bobby_laskowski@msn.com
Where ya' from?: Houston, Texas
Age: 54
Favorite Distance Run: 10K
Ever been to the coast?: Yes


HURTIS - 11/20/99 12:55:27
Where ya' from?: UP THE ROAD
Years Running: ALMOST ONE DAY
Favorite Distance Run: FROM HOUSE TO MAILBOX
Ever been to the coast?: LOTS


J.R. - 11/13/99 12:57:55
My Email:k5runr@aol.com
Where ya' from?: Originally CA, now Biloxi
Age: 38
Sex: Male
Years Running: 10
Favorite Distance Run: 5K
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

Thanks for the great site. I was up this morning looking or information on todays race. I found yours through Yahoo. I am used to the races starting at 0700 or 0800, but had heard that the Mayor's cup starts at 9. Thanks for confirming. I am enjoying some of the other info. Thanks again.

David Becker - 11/08/99 19:55:33
My Email:david.becker@ey.com
Where ya' from?: Dallas
Age: 33
Sex: mail
Favorite Distance Run: 15K
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

Who can I call to get an application for the 11/27 half-marathon at Stennis Space Center - And directions. I'll be visiting relatives in Pascagoula

Doug Miller - 11/01/99 17:50:10
My Email:m_doug@hotmail.com
Where ya' from?: Kiln,MS
Age: 39
Years Running: 22
Favorite Distance Run: marathon
Ever been to the coast?: yes

Hey Jim, Thanks for the info!

Susan - 10/23/99 03:25:38
Where ya' from?: Birmingham AL
Age: 35
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: lived there for 23 years

Great web site. I'm planning a visit back 'home' and will be visiting your race calendar to find a good 5k to do while I'm there.

chuck atteberry - 10/10/99 20:30:58
My Email:isugrd1@hotmail.com
Where ya' from?: tremont, illinois
Age: 27
Sex: male
Years Running: 3 1/2
Favorite Distance Run: 10k so far
Ever been to the coast?: stationed at keesler


tom peach - 10/01/99 22:24:44
My Email:jjon222@aol.com
Where ya' from?: illinois
Age: 34
Favorite Distance Run: 1/2 marathon
Ever been to the coast?: ye s

stationed in gulfport most of the time would like to find some runs in the area march 2000 time frame

Steven D. Domoslay - 09/19/99 10:10:24
My Email:domoslay@dixie-net.com
Where ya' from?: Grenada
Age: 48
Years Running: 30+
Favorite Distance Run: 10K
Ever been to the coast?: 2 to 3 times a month


Tom - 09/11/99 02:38:21
My Email:Tom@fitnessjunkee.com
Where ya' from?: NJ
Years Running: 10
Favorite Distance Run: 10k
Ever been to the coast?: yes

Great site! Keep up the good work..

Lynn - 09/06/99 13:53:25
My Email:ritter.repeat2@juno.com
Where ya' from?: Indianapolis
Age: 40
Sex: Female
Years Running: 10
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

Several Indy race friends are interested in the Mississippi Coast Marathon this coming November. But so are wanting to know if there will be a half marathon associated with it? Could you please let us know.

J.B. Zahn - 08/16/99 12:03:17
My Email:sljbz@mississippi.net
Where ya' from?: Meridian, MS
Age: 44
Sex: male
Favorite Distance Run: 5-10K
Ever been to the coast?: sure

Am in my 4th week of training for my first marathon...the Mississippi Gulf Coast Marathon to be held November 27th. Any info on the marathon?

Dana Bunting - 08/10/99 17:55:26
My Email:Dana_G_Bunting@CNGP.cng.com
Where ya' from?: Metairie
Age: 39
Years Running: 12
Ever been to the coast?: yes

Enjoyed the account of 1st marathon. Congratulations! My first marathon will be this fall @ Stennis w/my sister. She walks, so I'll jog it. Hope to run my first next spring. Recommend marathon for 1st timer? Will probably need some distraction :)

- 07/30/99 21:37:19


monique carroll - 07/28/99 13:51:54
My Email:mocarroll@pol.net
Where ya' from?: boise, id
Age: 25
Favorite Distance Run: 13.1
Ever been to the coast?: 1st time here-air force training

loooking for a running group to motivate longer runs--training for 2nd marathon sept 19--air force marathon. ran rock n roll marathon may23--#3:56. bonked at about 18. i run about 8:30 miles. can you help?

- 07/16/99 18:26:24


mary schmidt - 07/12/99 23:40:47
My Email:maryh815@juno.com
Where ya' from?: slidell
Age: 35
Favorite Distance Run: depends
Ever been to the coast?: yes

leonard would you please fax me an app for the saint paul's 5k 504.483.5631 thanks

CHARLES BALDWYN - 06/19/99 04:02:33
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/cbaldwynms/myhomepage/index.html
My Email:cbaldwynms@aol.com
Where ya' from?: saltillo, ms.
Age: 57
Sex: male
Years Running: 25
Favorite Distance Run: marathon
Ever been to the coast?: yes

good running club i ran 2 of your half marathons this year plan on running marathon this fall.

Bob Clark - 06/02/99 01:00:55
My Email:jclark10@prodigy.net
Where ya' from?: Gulfport ms
Age: 50
Sex: male
Years Running: 21
Favorite Distance Run: couch to fridg.
Ever been to the coast?: most of them

I just realized I have my old E-male add on the early message. This my new one. we got to start scanning race results on this web site. Bob aka buck Nakked, aka. Harry Butts aka. Chief thunderbutt, aka Paddy O'furnacher etc.

Joe Cannon - 05/28/99 20:05:13
My Email:fcannon@i-55.com
Where ya' from?: Folsom,La.
Age: 48
Favorite Distance Run: 10k
Ever been to the coast?: Oh, yeah!


Ron Williams - 05/25/99 12:19:52
My Email:rwill16@entergy.com
Where ya' from?: Colorado
Age: 55
Years Running: 22
Favorite Distance Run: 10k


Robin A. Crawford - 05/21/99 14:57:23
My Email:crawfordr@ms-arng.ngb.army.mil
Where ya' from?: Pearl, MS
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Years Running: a bunch
Favorite Distance Run: Racing-5K, For fun-8-10 mi
Ever been to the coast?: Many times

I'd like to see your race calendar for the remainder of the year. When I checked it, all I got was thru June.

Cory Turner - 05/18/99 14:25:31
My Email:cot01@gnofn.org
Where ya' from?: Louisiana
Age: 27
Favorite Distance Run: From 1 to 24 miles!
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

When is the Paddle/Pant/Pedal scheduled for this year? Thanks!

Jacob Davis - 05/14/99 23:34:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/we3davis
My Email:n.s.davis@gte.net
Where ya' from?: Pass Christian, MS
Age: 16
Favorite Distance Run: Seven Mile Bridge Run, Florida Keys
Ever been to the coast?: Every day

Great page ! I put this as a link on my page. Come visit it www.angelfire.com/ms/we3davis We live in Pass Christian and are Gulf Coast Running Club Members.

Julian Tsukano - 05/10/99 07:39:22
My Email:julianmt@juno.com
Where ya' from?: Gulfport, now Hawaii
Age: 18
Favorite Distance Run: Manoa Valley run
Ever been to the coast?: lived in College park

good job, keep up the good work.

Earl Darphin - 05/06/99 19:43:54
My Email:ldarphin@aol.com
Where ya' from?: Baton Rouge
Age: 43
Years Running: many
Favorite Distance Run: 5 & 10k
Ever been to the coast?: frequent - family from coast

I have not run seriously in years. One to two 5k's per year in 21 to 22 minutes. I recently helped a friend host a triathalon and had a blast. It made me miss the discipline of training for specific goals, and have started training for my first triatha on. We are considering moving to the coast in near future (1-2 years). My wife is from d'Iberville. Would like to run in a few races, and get to know some of the running community on the coast. Earl Darphin

Carey Taylor - 04/18/99 22:41:10
My Email:careytlr@yahoo.com
Where ya' from?: vancleave
Age: 23
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: uh,yeah


Tracy Stallings - 03/31/99 22:01:17
My Email:wjpoole@datasync.com
Where ya' from?: Big Point, MS
Age: 19
Favorite Distance Run: 2-5 miles
Ever been to the coast?: Lived here all my life

I was wondering if you have to be a member of a running club to run in the local races. I ran cross-country in high school and would like to continue running in races, but I am not a member of any running clubs.

The Degnan Family - 03/29/99 00:10:21
My Email:sdegnan@bayou.com
Where ya' from?: Ruston, Louisiana
Age: Kids are 9, 9 & 5
Sex: Male
Years Running: 1 year
Favorite Distance Run: 5K for one nine year old, and 1 mile for twin brother and five year old
Ever been to the coast?: Yes.

Collin and Alex are twins - 9 years old. Collin loves to run and runs 5K's and would like to run a 10K in the next six months. Brothers Alex (9) and Nicholas (5) like to run as long as they don't have to compete with Collin.

Paul RYan - 03/23/99 13:15:24
My Email:ryanp@osd.pentagon.mil
Where ya' from?: Arlington, VA
Age: 40+
Years Running: 20
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: no

I'm going to be in Biloxi for the Army/Navy/Air Force track meet. I see from your site that there's a Gulf Coast Classic 10K in Biloxi on 3 Apr. How big a race is it? Is there an on-line application? If not, can you fax me one at 703-696-4268.

Julia Roberts - 03/17/99 22:35:49
My Email:jarobert@kcc.com
Where ya' from?: Mobile, AL
Age: 28
Ever been to the coast?: You bet!

Interested in finding out more about running events in Biloxi/Ocean Springs/Gulfport, etc.

J Foote - 02/28/99 14:13:58
My Email:foote@buffnet.net
Where ya' from?: Olean, NY
Age: 36
Ever been to the coast?: not yet

Will be visiting the coast in late Mar/Early April. What should I expect in terms of weather/ available activities for my family?

andy mire - 02/21/99 07:03:49
My Email:mire1391@aol.com
Where ya' from?: plaquemine la
Age: 41
Sex: male
Years Running: 10
Favorite Distance Run: 10-k
Ever been to the coast?: yes


Ed Turnipseed - 02/21/99 05:26:11
My Email:turnip@worldnetla.net
Where ya' from?: Anacoco, LA
Age: 43
Sex: Male
Years Running: 15
Favorite Distance Run: 1/2 Marathon
Ever been to the coast?: I lived in BSL 25 yrs.

My middle son, who is 9, likes to run 5k races that have age groups for 12 and under. I like to run a marathon or two a year.

geoff cook - 02/16/99 05:09:37
My Email:jarenc@aol.com
Where ya' from?: mobile
Age: 28
Favorite Distance Run: 1/2 marathon
Ever been to the coast?: only once and i havnt left yet

we need more long races (9-15 miles)

jeff millard - 02/15/99 04:50:24
My Email:jkm1521@aol.com
Where ya' from?: long beach
Age: 43
Sex: male
Years Running: 6 months
Favorite Distance Run: 5k

I moved to Long Beach from North Carolina about 1 year ago. Started running to try to drop a few pounds, but now I really like the races and the people in the Gulf Coast Running Club.

Robert Homes - 02/04/99 02:46:31
My Email:bob@datasync.com
Where ya' from?: Long Beach, Ms
Years Running: 25
Favorite Distance Run: 1 mile
Ever been to the coast?: live here

Thanks for your list of events. My son ran his first marathon in the New Orleans Marathon last week. Now I'm hooked on trying to duplicate his feat. It may take me a year to get up to a 10k race, though!

Brian Smith - 02/02/99 20:26:45
My Email:brians@dynohm.com
Where ya' from?: Fowler, Indiana
Age: 47
Sex: Male
Years Running: 13
Favorite Distance Run: Mararthon
Ever been to the coast?: Yes


Paul Pavot - 01/23/99 21:05:11
My Email:reen@csinet.net
Where ya' from?: Indiana
Age: 54
Sex: male
Favorite Distance Run: 10K
Ever been to the coast?: yes

I love the coast and warm weather. My son is now stationed in Biloxi and we would like to to a team trialthon. Any help would be appreciated

Angela Cannon - 01/15/99 02:53:06
My Email:cannon@datasync.com
Where ya' from?: biloxi
Age: 36
Sex: female
Years Running: since high school
Favorite Distance Run: 8-10 miles

I am interested in joining the running club. Could you send me any info. Does the club have a weekly running date? Thanks.

Margaret Ferriss - 01/13/99 21:13:23
My URL:http://www.msfame.com
My Email:msfame.bellsouth.net
Where ya' from?: Jackson MS
Years Running: A couple
Favorite Distance Run: 5 K
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

Hi I am Assistant Director of The Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame & Museum. We put on a tradition rich race in Jackson called the Baptist Sports Care Watermelon Classic which is 5k and a 1 mile fun run. This race is July 3rd this year. Hope to hear from y u soon. Thanks!

Tom Longmire - 12/30/98 01:18:20
My Email:tpl1@bellsouth.net
Where ya' from?: Slidell, La.
Age: 51
Years Running: 20
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

I have run all 20 Crescent City Classics but my running was cut short last May when I broke my hip. Hopefully I will be back to running soon.

Tom Longmire - 12/30/98 01:17:47
My Email:tpl1@bellsouth.net
Where ya' from?: Slidell, La.
Age: 51
Years Running: 20
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

I have run all 20 Crescent City Classics but my running was cut short last May when I broke my hip. Hopefully I will be back to running soon.

Kelli Birtch - 12/26/98 16:41:47
My Email:kelli_birtch@sunshine.net
Where ya' from?: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 35
Sex: female
Favorite Distance Run: none yet
Ever been to the coast?: nooooo, want to!

Hey, stummbled on this cool site! Love it. Now encourged to increase distances and journalize runs. Thanks!

Stan Shows - 12/26/98 04:55:37
My Email:jis@datasync.com
Where ya' from?: Lucedale, Ms
Age: 54
Sex: male
Years Running: off and on for 12 years
Favorite Distance Run: now? any distance I can make!
Ever been to the coast?: yes


Michel R. Brown - 12/18/98 15:08:10
My Email:gandg@sunherald.infi.net
Where ya' from?: Ocean Springs
Age: 27
Years Running: 12
Favorite Distance Run: Paddle,Pant,&Pedal!
Ever been to the coast?: sleep on it daily

Great site! Hope you keep that calendar up to date. How about including area duathlons on your calendar? See you at the Last Chance?

Nancy Davis & Family - 12/13/98 00:32:14
My Email:n.s.davis@gte.net
Where ya' from?: Pass Christian, MS
Age: 42
Favorite Distance Run: 10K
Ever been to the coast?: Live here!

Our favorite run is the 7-Mile Bridge Run in the Florida Keys. Right now,we're looking for the date for the Flora-Bama "Make It to the Line" 4-mile run.

Isabel - 12/06/98 21:43:31
My Email:isabelkaplan@hotmail.com
Where ya' from?: louisiana
Years Running: 1.5
Favorite Distance Run: till I can't no 'mo
Ever been to the coast?: yeah


Terry Peters - 11/29/98 13:10:21
My Email:hedon01@aol
Where ya' from?: Pensacola, FL
Age: 54
Sex: Male
Years Running: 32
Favorite Distance Run: Ultra and Marathon
Ever been to the coast?: Live here

Ran the marathon yesterday (11-28-98) and was looking for results. Do you post them?? Now that I live close I'll probably see you every year. Other than the first water stop I thought the race was very well conducted. Thanks, Terry

Claudia - 11/23/98 16:15:33
Where ya' from?: Atlanta
Age: 53
Years Running: 12
Favorite Distance Run: Peachtree City Classic 15K
Ever been to the coast?: Yes - lived in Gautier

Former GCRC member. Hello to Leonard - How is the Litespeed?

J. B. Zahn - 11/22/98 16:41:11
My Email:sljbz@cybertron.com
Where ya' from?: Meridian, MS
Age: 44
Sex: Male
Favorite Distance Run: 5-10K
Ever been to the coast?: numerous times

Was looking for a race calendar for 1999 and found your web page. Really like it...good info. Will keep checking.

Dug Brown - 11/15/98 20:38:42
My Email:dbrown@cdc.net
Where ya' from?: Chattanooga, TN
Age: 42
Years Running: 10
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: yes

Do you know of a race in Hattiesburg over Thanksgiving?

Barry Pittman - 11/08/98 16:18:01
My Email:bpitt@aol.com
Where ya' from?: Petal, MS
Age: 25
Sex: male
Years Running: 10
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: oh yeah

Nice site! Plan on trying a marathon before long. Hope to join the GCRC.

- 11/02/98 03:06:58


Robert W. Wineman - 10/26/98 21:12:24
My Email:rwineman@pharmacology.umsmed.edu
Where ya' from?: Jackson, MS
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: yes

I'm looking for a running club or runners in the Jackson, MS area to train/run with a couple of times a week. My training pace right now is about a 6:30 to 7:30/mile, but should improve pretty fast b/c I used to consistantly run in the mid 16's in the 5k when I was 18 to 19 years old, but I quit running when I went to college. I've been back into running for 2 months now. could you e-mail me if you have any info. for the Jackson area? Thanks.

Richard A. Skinner - 10/22/98 20:00:08
My Email:SoonCPA@aol.com
Where ya' from?: Brandon, MS
Age: 32
Favorite Distance Run: 5K - Marathon
Ever been to the coast?: Several Times


DON DORAN - 10/13/98 15:14:16
My Email:DD115@INTOP.NET
Where ya' from?: DECATUR,MS
Age: 40
Years Running: < 1
Favorite Distance Run: 10 K
Ever been to the coast?: YES


Julia - 10/06/98 01:36:16
My Email:msdawgs@swbell.net
Where ya' from?: MS originally TX now
Age: 44
Years Running: 23
Favorite Distance Run: 10K - 10 miles
Ever been to the coast?: lived there for 8 yrs.

This is a great website - I always look for a race to attend when I visit my friends in Pascagoula.

Anne - 10/05/98 03:04:53
My Email:airhead@datasync.com
Where ya' from?: ocean springs
Age: 16
Sex: female
Favorite Distance Run: not sure yet
Ever been to the coast?: yes


Kevin Newcom - 10/05/98 01:51:08
My Email:Kn99987@aol.com
Where ya' from?: Gulfport
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Favorite Distance Run: 10K
Ever been to the coast?: Live there had to check ou this site

I am a member didn't know that we had this site pretty cool.

Ron Williams - 09/26/98 19:32:52
My Email:rwill16@entergy.com
Where ya' from?: New Orleans
Age: 54
Years Running: 22
Favorite Distance Run: 10K


C. Turner - 09/09/98 20:32:29
My Email:cot01@gnofn.org
Where ya' from?: New Orleans
Age: 26
Favorite Distance Run: 10k and above!
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

Looking forward to the SportsCare Marathon in November 28th. My first Marathon. I understand it will be going through Stennis this year... is that correct?

monica miller - 08/31/98 14:24:05
My Email:mmiller@datasync.com
Where ya' from?: wiggins
Age: 25
Sex: female
Years Running: first year
Favorite Distance Run: i don't know yet
Ever been to the coast?: yes

please e-mail me with any information you may have about upcoming events on the coast. thank you.

Chuck George - 08/27/98 14:46:56
My URL:http://www.runNOTC.org
My Email:ChuckNOTC@aol.com
Where ya' from?: New Orleans Track Club
Age: 45
Sex: yes
Years Running: 20
Favorite Distance Run: marathon
Ever been to the coast?: I own it


Sandra - 08/18/98 03:38:41
My Email:sandra@digiscape.com
Where ya' from?: Biloxi
Age: 42
Favorite Distance Run: Gulf Coast Classic
Ever been to the coast?: yes

Hi, when I moved back to the coast, I found your site to be extremely useful, especially the calendar (which you keep up to date, thank you). I also found a lot using your great links. Keep it up! It really is wonderful and looks good too!

Mary Jane Savino - 07/06/98 16:42:55
My Email:mjsavino@swbell.net
Where ya' from?: Houston
Age: 50
Favorite Distance Run: Conoco Rodeo 10K
Ever been to the coast?: yes

I started back running in Oct. after approx. 16 yr . Kids,jobs, divorce, etc, but managed to still walk and exercise. I am been bitten by the bug now and enjoy competing in local 5K and 10K races. I am thinking of training for the HOuston Marathon in Jan ary. I will be on the Gulf Coast in about a week and wondered whether the 5K race in Pass Christian on the 18th was a fun race. Is it very crowded or have you run it before? If you have time, please respond. Good luck with your running. Thanks for th website. M.J.

Michael - 07/04/98 00:46:52
My URL:http://www.premile.com
My Email:mike@premile.com
Where ya' from?: NY

Hope you're enjoying your day.I'm going to be the Metropolitan coach for the Team Diabetes (starting July 6th) which will run the Bermuda Marathon in January 1999. If you know of anyone (beginners-elite) who may be interested in joining the Team Diabetes lease let me know. This is a non-profit organization and I would appreciate any ideas or suggestions that you may have for promoting fund raising or sponsorship. Here is my latest article on "Immune System Response to Exercise". (http://www.premile.com) This website was featured in: Runner’s World Links page New York Road Runners Club Links Page Geocites Featured Page Running/Jogging at The Mining Company(Best of the Net) The Weekend Australian Newspaper

Kara Townsend - 06/28/98 03:37:43
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)

Chief Franklin Hunt - 06/26/98 03:57:44
My Email:CPOA5kRun@aol.com or Imjoecool@aol.com
Where ya' from?: Belle Chasse, LA
Age: 34
Favorite Distance Run: 10K
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

Found your site searching the web to promote my run this year onboard the Naval Air Station located just south of New Orleans. Please fell free to add our race to your list, forward the application to the world and venture over to New Orleans for a run o the base......thanks, Frank "JoeCool" Hunt

barbara berney - 06/19/98 19:27:29
My Email:bberney@mail.state.tn.us
Where ya' from?: knoxville, tn
Age: 54
Sex: female
Years Running: l4
Favorite Distance Run: expo l0,000. 10K
Ever been to the coast?: yes

I am training for my 2nd marathon (chicago in Oct.) Said I'd never do another one, but here I go. My husband is my best supporter, carries water either by bike or car as I run my long runs. Ran Marine Corp. in '96. It was tough, but I finished and felt a reat accomplishment.

- 06/14/98 23:07:07


Terri and Greg - 05/28/98 04:05:26
My Email:krazyone@datasync.com
Where ya' from?: Ocean Springs
Age: 25
Sex: one of each
Years Running: 6 months
Favorite Distance Run: 8 mi
Ever been to the coast?: live here

We just started running about 6 months ago and just can't get enough. It is unbelievable how good it makes you feel. Are first real community run is in July. Can't wait.

Gretchen - 05/26/98 22:31:19
My Email:GDB110@aol.com
Where ya' from?: MS but now in HI
Age: 34
Favorite Distance Run: 10k
Ever been to the coast?: lived in GP 92-96

was a member of Gulfcoast running club when I lived there. Had a great time running with evryone. Will be back for 2 weeks in July and hope to get to a race!!

Emily Courson - 05/10/98 16:54:03
My Email:ecourson@onecallinc.com
Where ya' from?: Tupelo, Ms
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Favorite Distance Run: 10K
Ever been to the coast?: yes

Great Web-page. I work at The North Mississippi Medical Center Wellness Center as Health Education/Aerobics. If you ever want to get any materials distributed in this area just send me the information. The address is NMMC Wellness Center, 830 South Glo ter Street, Tupelo, MS 38801 Attn: Emily Courson

Al Eddy - 05/09/98 04:40:22
My Email:AL32BETH25@aol
Where ya' from?: LONG BEACH, MS
Age: 32
Years Running: 10
Favorite Distance Run: 10K+
Ever been to the coast?: YUP


mary catherine barlow - 04/27/98 18:12:01
My Email:mcbarlow@meta3.net
Where ya' from?: jackson
Age: 28
Favorite Distance Run: starkville 1/2 marathon
Ever been to the coast?: yes, but not to run

Nice page, I wish the ms track club had one.

bob clark - 04/05/98 02:12:48
My Email:vcnco9b@prodigy.com
Where ya' from?: Gulfport
Age: 49
Sex: yes
Years Running: 20
Favorite Distance Run: couch to fridg.
Ever been to the coast?: which one?

Thanks for taking the time to do this no get Lenord or denise to let you scan the race results and put them on the web like The Port city pacers do. Check out www.pcpacers.org

Todd Wells - 03/28/98 19:51:41
My Email:twells@interaccess.com
Where ya' from?: Chicago
Age: 29
Years Running: 20
Favorite Distance Run: Steeplechase
Ever been to the coast?: Gulf Coast Classic, 1992

Do you know where Azalea Trail results are posted?

malissa - 03/17/98 02:29:56
My Email:malissa@writeme.com
Where ya' from?: tallahassee, fla.
Age: 40
Years Running: 13
Favorite Distance Run: variety--usually longer stuff 20k
Ever been to the coast?: yes


Ron McBee - 03/14/98 12:11:12
My Email:mcbee@datasync.com
Where ya' from?: Gulfport
Age: 53
Years Running: 29
Favorite Distance Run: Vermont 100 Miles

Nice site Jim...someone had to do it, don't know why the Club doesn't have it's own site? Chat later.

Joan Fink - 03/10/98 02:50:08
Where ya' from?: Diamond Bar,Ca.
Ever been to the coast?: born & raised in Biloxi

My nephew, Scott Thompson, from Brandon wrote the "My first Marathon Triumph". I sure have enjoyed reading through all of this. My son, Frank Fink of San Dimas, Ca. has run six marathons out here. I passed on this address to him so he can read and see is cousin Scott. Thanks!!

keith barrett - 03/07/98 17:39:15
My Email:bears@netdoor.com
Where ya' from?: hattiesburg ms
Age: 37
Sex: male
Favorite Distance Run: all of them
Ever been to the coast?: yes

well, i just completed my second marathon in pensacola last weekend. even though still snails pace(3:33:11) i was able to cut 19min. off my first marathon time of 3:52:52. more importantly i ran totally pain free and had a negative split. i am now focusin on getting faster i hope to eventualy qualify for the boston marathon. you guys keep up the good work on the coast and i will see you on march 14.

- 03/07/98 17:29:28


Carl Snell - 02/27/98 11:25:35
My Email:Carl_snell@hotmail.com
Where ya' from?: Jackson Ms
Age: 37
Favorite Distance Run: ??
Ever been to the coast?: All the Time

Nice Page...Do you have any info on a track club in jackson? I need to get in better shape and would like to join a club where a beginner can get encouragement,Support. Thanks Carl Snell

Ken Fair - 02/15/98 03:56:37
My Email:kfair@merlin.ebicom.net
Where ya' from?: Petal, Ms
Age: 45
Years Running: just started
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: yes


Gerry Martin - 02/14/98 18:05:11
My Email:gerry1.martin@juno.com
Where ya' from?: Savannah GA
Age: 44
Sex: Male
Years Running: 10
Favorite Distance Run: 10k - 1 1/2 Marathon
Ever been to the coast?: Many times

Hello to Steve and Nancy Phillips. Hello to Bob Clark (I know he's still running the roads at 7.30 min miles). Hello to the Longinoes (I know I mispelled the name....sorry). I have been in Saudi Arabia for the past 6 years. Now I'm running the roads i Savannah, Georgia. Glad to see you guys on the internet...Good idea. Take care...Gerry

Ryan Welborn - 02/10/98 01:46:01
My Email:ryanute@hotmail.com
Where ya' from?: Laurel, MS
Age: 19
Favorite Distance Run: 5K
Ever been to the coast?: yes

I've enjoyed your page. I plan to re-visit it often. I have ran of and on for the past several years but am just now getting serious about running. I run 4 miles per day (5 days a week). I would like any additional information that you could give me ab ut running or nutrion or anything else. I have a race coming up in May (5K). I am currently training for this race. Any friendly advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ryan

keith barrett - 01/30/98 12:43:59
My Email:bears@netdoor.com
Where ya' from?: hattiesburg ms
Age: 37
Favorite Distance Run: 5k 10k marathon
Ever been to the coast?: yes

you guys do a great job with your races. if my knee cooperates i will see you on feb. 14. i ranmy first marathon in new orleans last month. even though it was snails pace 3:52, i had a blast. the only problem is my left knee had pain and a good bit of swe ling the next day. i have continued to ice it and take antinflamatories. i am now where i can run 2 miles pain free. i think its simply an overuse problem and nothing serious. hopefully next week i can get back in the grove of things. keep up the good wor . if i dont see you feb. 14 i will be down when healthy again.

Alan Marsh - 01/25/98 22:18:17
My Email:abmarsh@worldnet.att.net
Where ya' from?: Kentucky
Age: 38
Sex: male
Years Running: 15
Favorite Distance Run: 10K
Ever been to the coast?: not till now

I've had some knee and back problems so I don't run like I used to, but I still love it. Thanks for the web page. I'm glad I found it.

Doug Rowe - 12/13/97 01:25:12
Where ya' from?: San Francisco
Age: 30
Sex: male
Favorite Distance Run: the marathon
Ever been to the coast?: not yet

I'm running an ultra in Laurel, MS on March 7. Know of any races on March 8 in Mississippi? Regards, Doug

Robby Trest - 12/12/97 03:37:06
My Email:RobbyTrest@hotmail.com
Where ya' from?: Pass Christian, MS
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Favorite Distance Run: 5K
Ever been to the coast?: Live there

It is great to see a page for the Gulf Coast. Keep up the awesome work.

Scott Thompson - 12/08/97 15:46:59
My Email:Scott.thompson.sr@mci.com
Where ya' from?: Brandon, Ms (Biloxi)
Age: 34
Years Running: .5
Favorite Distance Run: Don't know yet
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

I just started running this year and have completed a 5k. I've been training for the Ms marathon on Sat / Dec 13. Everything was going good until my last long run-my knee started hurting. So, I took the week off. Any advise for my 1st big one?

heath gordon - 11/12/97 21:21:52
My Email:bgordon@mc.edu
Where ya' from?: crystal springs
Age: 23
Sex: male
Ever been to the coast?: yes

I am just starting to run and was looking for places that I might go that are in and around the Jackson area. I like running outdoors and cross country type places. if you have any suggestions, please e-mail me. any help would be greatly appreciated.

Charles Moore - 11/10/97 23:58:55
My Email:w5iie@futura.net
Where ya' from?: Beebe, AR
Age: 53
Sex: male
Years Running: 10
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: yes

Used to live in Hattiesburg, MS. Some nice runs on the coast. Regards, C. Moore

jeff hathorn - 11/07/97 16:54:06
My Email:hathorn@smrl.lib.ms.us
Where ya' from?: bassfield, ms
Age: 40
Sex: male
Favorite Distance Run: 10k to half marathon
Ever been to the coast?: yes

please add me to you mailing list. P. O. box 103 Bassfield, MS 39421

Irene Ramirez - 10/27/97 04:47:53
My Email:bulwnkle@bellsouth.net
Where ya' from?: originally from TX,living in V-burg,MS
Age: 24
Sex: female,do it all the time!!haha
Years Running: not ran in over 2yrs,but looking forward to starting again soon
Favorite Distance Run: 5K's suit me just fine
Ever been to the coast?: yes, Gulfport & Biloxi

I really enjoyed getting to know you through your website, you sound like you are a great guy/family man!! I was also looking for local running and race info and I found you. How cool is that?? Well I wish you happy running and best of luck in your fut re races. I would love to come see you race, so email me on the latest info. I promise I won't cheer for the older lady that may be passing you by.

malissa auker - 10/19/97 13:18:55
My Email:malissa@writeme.com
Where ya' from?: tallahassee, fl.
Age: 40
Favorite Distance Run: 20k &up.....ironman and ultra competitor
Ever been to the coast?: yes

Will be in ocean springs for thanksgiving, would like to run an area race or run with a training group or club while i am their. the last time i was there (easter) i ran with a group- i think on sunday am.

Bernie Ham - 10/17/97 17:28:08
My Email:ham@smrc.state.ms.us
Where ya' from?: Long Beach, MS
Age: 50
Sex: Male
Years Running: 6 months
Favorite Distance Run: 2.5 miles
Ever been to the coast?: Live there

Enjoyed your web site. Was glad to find a schedule of running events on the coast. I also enjoyed your experiences with the marathons.

Emily Becker - 10/07/97 16:02:05
My Email:ecbecker@aol.com
Where ya' from?: Mandeville, LA
Age: 30
Favorite Distance Run: 10K
Ever been to the coast?: YES

Great Site! I'm hoping information from your page will help me train and complete my 1st marathon. Thanks!

EARL ABADIE - 09/27/97 18:23:20
My Email:earl122@webtv.net
Where ya' from?: new orleans
Age: 36
Sex: male
Favorite Distance Run: marathon
Ever been to the coast?: yes


Tommy Jeanne - 09/26/97 02:24:02
My Email:tommyterrific@webtv.net
Where ya' from?: Gretna,LA 70053
Age: 48
Sex: Male
Favorite Distance Run: Half-Marathon
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

I ran the Rotary Club Marathon last year(1996],half marathon distance and thoroughly enjoyed it.

bruce jordan - 09/14/97 06:22:04
My Email:bjordan1@digitalexp.com
Where ya' from?: madison,fl
Age: 31
Years Running: 11
Favorite Distance Run: 10k
Ever been to the coast?: yes

I liked your marathon story.I'm hoping to do a marathon soon.Nice page.

bruce jordan - 09/14/97 06:13:06
My Email:bjordan1@digitalexp.com
Where ya' from?: madison,fl
Age: 31
Years Running: 11
Favorite Distance Run: 10k
Ever been to the coast?: yes


Eric - 09/02/97 14:15:02
My URL:/Nashville/6016
My Email:wrangler@pcisys.net
Where ya' from?: Colorado
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Ever been to the coast?: yes

I dont run unless absolutly necesary, but I still like your page. Its a great resource for prople who do run.

Emily MacKay - 09/01/97 19:10:04
My Email:a_runner@hotmail.com
Where ya' from?: New Hampshire
Age: 14
Sex: female
Years Running: 1-2
Favorite Distance Run: 5k
Ever been to the coast?: no

I really loved the imformation and the links to many other running pages. Sometimes it is hard to find good ones. In fact I'm thinking of creating one of my own. If you have any suggestions for me or any help at all, it would be appreciated. Just e-mail m . Thanks. I love the page! :)

RIBEIRA BRAVA CLUB - 08/31/97 14:00:36
My URL:http://www.terravista.pt/PortoSanto/1421/
Where ya' from?: Madeira Island

We see in «Geocities Birthday`s Page» your Home Page. So I think Today it´s your birthday.
If you want visit us, you can take (click) this this plane to our SPORT´S PAGE or this boat to MADEIRA ISLAND

Our best wishes to you !
Clube Desportivo da Ribeira Brava
Founded in October 18 year 1938
Madeira island - Portugal
Fax 091-957037

abi - 08/30/97 08:16:26
Where ya' from?: hampshire
Age: 12
Sex: female

I found this site through the geoguide at the top of my page. It's cool

David Kiessling - 08/03/97 16:48:37 GMT
Where ya' from?: Bay Village, OHIO
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Years Running: 15
Favorite Distance Run: 5K
Ever been to the coast?: No


Jim - 08/02/97 03:19:29 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/4845
My Email:jim314@geocities.com
Where ya' from?: Gulfport, MS
Age: 36
Favorite Distance Run: 1.5 miles
Ever been to the coast?: Live Here

Just checking out your site. Great work.

Jeff Eilders - 07/30/97 21:26:38 GMT
My Email:Eilders@prodigy.net
Where ya' from?: Jackson, MS
Age: 39
Favorite Distance Run: 26.2
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

I'm an officer in the Miss Track Club

Martin katvala - 07/29/97 01:45:25 GMT
My Email:caolan@worldnet.att.net
Where ya' from?: Biloxi, MS
Age: 37
Years Running: 20
Favorite Distance Run: 10K

You have done an excellent job crafting your page.

Scott Walter - 07/18/97 14:14:11 GMT
My Email:slw6@lehigh.edu
Where ya' from?: Bethlehem, PA
Age: 28
Favorite Distance Run: 1/2 Marathon
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

Graduated from USM in 92 and was just checking on races in the area for a return trip.

Michael D. Bright - 07/14/97 18:32:24 GMT
My Email:psa1mxb@psa10.med.navy.mil
Where ya' from?: gulfport
Age: 37
Sex: male
Years Running: 25
Favo ite Distance Run: 10k
Ever been to the coast?: yep!!!


Kent Marett - 07/13/97 22:00:03 GMT
Where ya' from?: Starkville
Age: 25
Favorite Distance Run: Coca-Cola 10K in Corinth
Ever been to the coast?: Yes

I found your page by accident, bu it has surprisingly good graphics. Great job! How often do you update it?

michael marcello - 07/09/97 03:35:20 GMT
My Email:blubeast@msn.com
Where ya' from?: gulfport,MS
Age: 35
Sex: male
Years Running: new
Favorite Distance Run 1 mile
Ever been to the coast?: resident


Brenda Yawn - 07/08/97 21:22:06 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/bourbonstreet/6734
My Email:byawn@geology.uno.edu
Whe e ya' from?: New Orleans, LA
Age: 25
Years Running: 1 1/2
Favorite Distance Run: 4-5 miles
Ever been to the coast?: yes

Came to your site trying to find a web site for the New Orleans Track Club, but apparently there is none. By the way, if you go to my site, you'll see the reason I started running again after a 3 year slacker period...Merrimack needs her exercise. But now I'm so into it again, sometimes I leave her at home (she really doesn't have as much stamina as you'd expect).

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