News Features

This page is about our athletes here at Annandale. Credit will be given to the source of information.

Congratulations goes out to Jesse Bacigalupi

for placing 4th in the NATION in the National Scholastic High School Indoor Track & Field Championships. His mile time was 4:10.87. Jesse will attend The University of Tennessee this fall.

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March 21, 1997.

Friday at four o’ clock in the afternoon the Annandale Atoms junior varsity baseball team took the field in a scrimmage against the Wakefield Warriors. Our boys were looking very professional when they were warming up and waiting for the Warriors to show. Even though the game was a half an hour late due to transportation error, the Atoms were still fired up for the game. At the top of the first inning AHS took the field and Wakefield was up to bat. With two outs and a runner going for home there was a lot of excitement as their player rounded third, made it to home.

Atoms up to bat. Scored one run and the second inning was about to began. Towards the end of the second inning there was 1 out, a runner on 2nd and one up at bat. Batter hits the ball in the air to 3rd base. Lillo, #3, catches the ball for the second out then tags the runner for the third out.

Atoms up at bat. They make 2 runs and now its the third inning. Fourth inning. Not much happens until the Atoms take the field. They end this inning with 2 runs. 5:34 p.m.

It’s now the fifth inning. Again Wakefield doesn’t score, but AHS does. The sixth inning is where everything went down hill for the Atoms. Mr. Tomlinson, the head coach, put in pitcher Gillum, #8. He ended up walking 7 batters and the other team made at least 5 unearned runs. After the 7th guy walked, the coach put in Sexton, #16, to take over.

Finally when the Atoms took the field there was a big sigh of relief. But that didn’t last long when Lillo, #3, Olivas, #18, and Edwards, #9, all got out at first. Needless to say that the 7th inning was where the Atoms needed to catch up. But the Warriors scored too many runs for the Atoms to do so.

I have come to the conclusion that writing about any sport if you don’t really know anything about it is very difficult. I have no clue about what’s going on with baseball, but I have done my best to try to write about this game. Indeed, baseball gets very boring if you aren’t playing or if you don’t know anyone who is playing. However when you go out to watch your school team play it gets pretty exciting, even if you don’t know what’s going on.

By: Kristina Bechtoldt, 11th Grader