Heidi Goldfarb

655 Rhodes Hall
Statistics Center
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853

E-mail - heidi@stat.cornell.edu


I am a 2nd year PhD student in the field of Statistics. I have a bachelors degree in applied mathematics and a masters degree in statistics from Rutgers University.

I work with Professor Marty Wells in the area of latent variable modeling.

Click here to see my cat Missy.

Some of my favorite links are:

Recent Dilbert strips

Thoroughbred Sports Network

The Daily Racing Form

Monmouth Park (Racetrack)

Lisa Madsen's Homepage - The highlight is her son Matt's Homepage

Pat, Chris, and Marianne Moore's Homepage

Links to statistics / biostatistics departments throughout the world

I used to work at the racetrack. Click here to see some win pictures.

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