Guild News
I would appreciate it if anyone who has anything they think newsworthy could email it to me Anne Brechin, as it is difficult to gather information otherwise!!!
New Bells at St Mary-le-Tower (from December 1999 Newsletter)
Pakenham ringers write about their new bell (from December 1999 Newsletter)
There's always that buzz of excitement when new bells are installed, either into an existing ring or a complete job - "What will they be like?"
Well, we had our try-out on November 10th; work on the 5th and 8th and then our brand new 9th 10th and 11th. All agreed the result is stunning - a magnificent sound.
For those interested, the old 9th is finding new life in Australia; after re-tuning by Taylor's, it will become the tenor to a new eight in Western Australia. The 10th and 11th have been hung in a sub-frame for public viewing in front of the present 9-12; a new viewing platform will be erected.
The Tower platform started in 1964, do it has been nearly 36 years coming to fulfilment... it proves that sometimes we have to be patient!
I would like to pay tribute to Owen, our Master of the ringers, for organising the work schedule, to all those who put in a total of 30 "man days" of work, including Carol, Sally and Diana in hard hats and overalls, to Taylor's expert Steve Westerman for a wonderful job, and very much to the ringers of the past 35 years for their support. We are deeply indebted to, of course, to Dr Ronald and Mrs Nora Jones for their handsome bequest.
It is worth mentioning in these days of financial concern that the local labour and accommodation content has saved St Mary-le-Tower about £6000.
The phone call from White's of Appleton came out of the blue. We had seen the bell being cast, but now it was to be installed - all within the next two weeks.
This was what we had been saving and planning for almost since our original five were renovated six years ago.
There was Graham with the lorry and our new treble. We had lots of local help to unload the gear and lift the bell onto the trolley, but once most of the equipment was up in the tower, it was hands on for three of our female ringers and one non-ringing husband to help Graham with the installation.
There are many bigger projects around, but this was our baby and we have enjoyed it. There is nothing quite like seeing your own bell cast, winching it up through three trap doors to the bell chamber, and helping to fix it in place, unless it is the sweet music (on a good day!) of hearing six instead of five. Call changes could pose a few problems at first - perhaps we will try Brian White's suggestion and use Christian names instead of numbers!
We would like to express our thanks to the Guild for their generous grant and their help and guidance.
The Pakenham Ringers.