Joining a PRDA team can be a matter of wooing an existing team’s captain, blind luck, playing great darts socially and being asked to join a team, or starting your own team. I my case it turned to be out blind luck when the bar manager announced one night at 7:00pm that in one hour the opposing team was coming to play our first league match. Little did most of care for the fact that we were going to play the Hawks, the previous season’s champions. Talk about trial by fire! Our team name was "Rookies" (of course) since only the captain had played darts before.
Your best bet is to join a team that is in need of players while a season is in progress. You may not end up playing at your pub of choice but it gets you into the league. During the games, talk it up with the other teams. You will find that in most instances, there is a lot of social interaction between the two teams’ members. Then play socially at the pub of your choice and get involved with the players of those teams. Invitations will be forthcoming.
To get you started, there is a page with PRDA team information. You can also E-Mail the P.R.D.A.( and we'll help you establish contact with a local team.