Puerto Rico Darts Association


The PRDA plays a six player format. That is, if a team is to play each leg at full strength, it will need to have a minimum of six players present that night. The game format has been changed for this season.

A league match is essentially divided into three distinct parts, which are played sequentially on one board:

  • Three games of partners 501 (single on, double off) worth 2 pts per game won.
  • Three games of partners American Cricket (first two are slop, the 3rd call) worth 3 pts per game won.
  • Three single games of 301 (Double on, double off) worth 3 pts per game won and three single games of Call Cricket, also worth 3 pts per game won.
  • An individual player may play up to three games per league match by playing one 501, one Cricket, and one individual game (301 or cricket). Captains submit the next player(s) just before each game allowing for more strategic player scheduling.

    Our old format was the same as above, except for the individual games which were all 301s. Many visitors from the mainland had commented that our format was a very tough one. Reasons for wanting to change the format by the Captains is still beyond this writer's comprehension...

    The PRDA awards trophies at its season ending banquet.

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