Puerto Rico Darts Association
Dart Bars in Puerto Rico
There are several bars that offer darts to their clients. The current sponsor bars of the PRDA are Cronos, Lupi's, Dunbars, Oyster Bar, Casa de Playa, Freddie's Pub, Jackalopes, Shannans, and El Punto. The other Manati club plays out of their private clubhouse. To all our new sponsors, a hearty " Welcome to the PRDA"!
Due to PR's very lively night life, some bars don't dedicate space to darts on the busy nights (Wed - Sat). Here is a quick rundown by major location (please check the local Yellow Pages for telephone numbers, etc.):
Isla Verde area:
- Prime Time Bar (next to where the Ritz Carlton is being
- The Hungry Sailor (Tartak street where the new Colony hotel is)
- Bud's Hideaway (open 2am-10am, opp. from Marbella Condo)
- The Oyster Bar (opp. from Marbella Condo)
- The Round Bar at Casa de Playa Beach Hotel (opposite from
Ocean Park / Santurce area:
- Dunbar's (1954 McLeary St.; the likeliest place to find San Juan's top shooters at this time; always at least one board open for play.)
- Seise Pub (346 Candelaria St: Where the very successful 1997 Labor Day Tournament was held. Always one board open for play.)
Old San Juan area: - Lupi's (in front of Doņa Fela's Parking; I understand they create space for darts only when they have a home game but I suppose it never hurts to ask; NOTE: there's also a Lupi's in Isla Verde but they don't have boards anymore.)
Rio Piedras area:
- Shannan's (Caribe Shopping Center on Rt. 1 close to
Electronica Bldg; always one board available for play; when at their old location, they used to draw the best players, this seems to be changing from what I've heard.)
- Freddie's Pub: Monserate Ave. around the corner
from Top Hat
- Jackalopes: by entrance to Muņiz Air Cargo Base
Other Locations:
- Piņones: The Reef (3 boards, only one not obstructed by pool table)
- Ceiba: Don's Light House close to Roosevelt Road Naval Base (ask for Jr.)
- Ceiba: Rey de las Gaviotas (Rte 3 just before Puerto del Rey Marina)
- Luquillo: The Brass Cactus (call 'em up for directions please.)
- Manati: Kronos (formerly The Red Room) at the Manati Town Square
- Mayaguez: Winner's Pub (sorry no other information available at this time)
- Rio Grande: Cain's (on Rte 3 before Luquillo)
- Rio Grande: Coqui's (in town of Rio Grande)
- Vieques Island: Mar Azul (2 blocks to the right of the ferry terminal)
- Vieques Island: Trapper Johns (Esperanza)
I have been informed that there are dart bars in Naguabo (steel-tip) and Caguas (soft tip). As more information is received, it will be posted.
If you know of any other bars/pubs/restaurants that have dart boards in Puerto Rico, then PLEASE send us the information.
E-Mail: prda@hotmail.com
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