Welcome to Steve's BMX Racing Info Page!!!!

Are you ready to enter the thrilling world of BMX??? Are you ready to face the concept that these people can ride better than you on a bicycle??? Are you ready to see sick pics, get info, see stats, and fall in love with BMX??? Are you ready to see some action!

Click here if you answered yes to the above questions, or are just ready for a totally unique expirence. Just remember that all the stunts portrayed in this site are strictly of those done by pros. Do not attempt any of these without skill and expirence........ Yeah...RIGHT!!!!!!

Click here if you are not ready to see the thrilling excitement that all makes living worthwhile-come back in a few years when you get some guts!

Have fun.....and I hope to see you at the track, if you ride-that is!!! Thank you for visiting my site, Steven Holl

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