This is a page of cool stuff to do to people's cars or what to do to people when they are in your car.. Heh heh. Some of this stuff is corny, but it's all pretty funny.
•Supper glue (or use bubble gum in the winter) a penny over the keyhole of the car door. The owner will not be able to put his key in! [I actually did this last month at a football game. It was our school's homecoming game and we were slaughtering the other team. Some friends and I went through the parking lot of the visiting team and superglued pennies over about fifty keyholes! We almost got in a lot of trouble, but it was worth it.]
•Get a big piece of fishing line and set it up going across the street elevated about 2 feet off the ground. On the end of each line put about 5 cans, when the car drives by it will catch it in the tires and the cans will either smash the side of the car or drag behind the car. It is a great prank.
•Tie a rope around the driveshaft and up around the passenger mirror. once the car moves the mirror flies off. haha.
•Fill a plastic bottle full of the gas that is produced when you mix dry drano and tin foil. place a spark plug through cap. now hook the plug in the bottle to a wire under the hood and KA-BOOM. i'm sure you get the picture.
•For night shift workers or persons that leave at night, put masking tape (won't ruin paint) on the bottom of door at the crack.
•When driving in town with a friend in the passenger seat, pull up to some girls walking on the sidewalk and put the passenger's automatic windows down so they are locked. Tell your buddy to say "hi" but don't pull away. Drive next to them for a block or two and your friend will be utterly embarrassed. Watch the girls laugh at your friend, who doesn't know what to do.
•Squeeze a bunch of baby powder into all of your mark's air vents and point them toward the driver side. Turn on the air conditioner full blast along with the wipers and the radio. Watch the fun when they start the car and get blasted with powder and sound.
•When someone falls asleep at night in your car, arrange to cross a railroad track. As you hit the track hard, simultaneously open your door, hit the breaks, blast the horn and scream. The rush of air, the dome light coming on and the impact and noise nicely replicate a horrible crash.
•Find a zip-lock bag. Place an egg inside of it and seal the bag. Tape the bag with the egg inside of it somewhere in the victim's car -- it works good under the seat or maybe deep under the dash. Give the eggs a week or two and your victim will be cleaning the inside of his car every day until he finds the rotten eggs.
•Place unpopped popcorn in the tailpipe of a victim's car.
•An open container of yogurt on the dash does wonders on a hot summer day. Just remember to shut the windows and even the vents for maximum rancidity.
•Go to a pet store and buy about 5 dozen crickets. Put them inside the victim's car!
•Cover the wipers with a messy substance such as vasoline, ketchup, dog doo, etc., then put a spot of of it on the windshield so they use the wipers to get the spot off.
•Call a person and say, "Hello, this is a contest ( from some car company.) If you can name three cars that start with "P" you will be our grand prize winner." Let them try, it doesn't matter if they do, and when there finished say, " I'm sorry, those cars all start with gas, better luck next time."
•If your victim has an automatic antennae, put a condom over the top and unroll it. Then put the antennae down. This is really good if he or she is going out on a date.
•If your friend has a girlfriend or wife and he has to pick her up get into the car and place a pair of women's sexy knickers under the passenger seat adjuster and pull the seat as uncomfortable as it will go. When his girlfriend will put her hand under the seat to adjust the seat, she won't be pleased.
•Saran wrap their car doors shut. Go over and under the car.
•Put confetti in the air vents, and turn the fan on.
•Sugar on a vinyl seat on a hot day is fun.
•When it is below freezing outside, dip cotton balls in water and place them all over the car. Contact will freeze the water making it stick until the temperature climbs above freezing.
•Tie a fish to the car's cold muffler with bailing wire.
•In a parking lot, tape a piece of bubble wrap (if you can keep from popping it yourself) to the victims tire. Sit back and enjoy as they pull away, here the loud pop, and begin searching their car over to find out which tire blew out.
•Sprinkle pepper into someone's gas tank. The gas will stop flowing to the engine but won't hurt it.
•Put stones in the hubcaps of a target's car. KlingKlongKlang...
•Put dishwashing detergent into the wiper fluid to turn it to foam. They'll be staring at bug guts for a while.
•During winter, put bolonga on a car windshield. (It won't come off.)
•Put a condom on a tail pipe. Push the end of the condom inside the pipe so it goes unnoticed until a large balloon is dragging along the street!
•Attach about 20 feet of fishing line to the back of someone's car. Attach various objects to the other end and hide them. Try a can, trash bag, or kite. (my personal idea is more like a fruit stand or a phone booth..heh heh heh)
•Put marbles or BBs in the defroster vent to make a funny noise coming from the dash during turns. (Or is that a few loose bolts?)
•Put anchovies or sardines in the heater vent of a car and it will smell that way for a very long time.
•Hey, remember National Lampoons Family Vacation?? Go ahead and tie a leash and collar to the back of some vacationing familys car. Even funnier when you call it in to the cops yourself!
•From Cam G: You gotta BE CAREFUL with this one.. If you have access to someones car engine, pull a sparkplug out, pour in a shot of Pyrodex (black powder for rifles) and replace the plug. I personally saw this one take place. It fucked up that cylinder and supposedly caused the drivers bowels to loosen signifigantly.
•From Cam G: Add a shitload of Iodine to a cars engine. When it gets hot, it basically welds the piston to the cylinder walls. My own dad pulled this one off.
•From Cam G: Simple. Loosen up some lug bolts. Someone did that to me. Ever heard a VW bug lose a wheel at 30? Scared me and I aint afraid of shit!
•From Cam G: Some art supply shops carry glass etching compound for, duh, Glass Etching. Smear that shit on a window. We did it during the winter and it looked like frost on the windshield. I'd like to have seen Pricks face when it didn't scrape off like frost. It REALLY fucked up his windows. '53 Studebaker windows aren't cheap.