Running Clubs
Group runs, sponsorship of races, and more. The following list is in alphabetical order.
Cleveland Hash House Harriers and Harriettes
Phone: 440-954-ONON
Web site:
Activities: The original Cleveland area Hash House Harriers and Harriettes. Meet for fun and run at 3:00 PM on 1st Saturday and 3rd Sunday of every month, and 8:00 PM on each month's full moon.
Cleveland SouthEast Runners Club
Phone: 330-562-6281 (Mark Godale)
Activities: The Cleveland SouthEast Runners Club meets every Sunday at 8:00am in Solon at the Solon Shopping Plaza by Koenigs Sporting Goods, at the corner of Rt. 91 and Aurora Rd. The distance is from 6 miles up to 20 miles.
Cleveland West Road Runners Club
P.O. Box 771011
Lakewood, OH 44107-0044
Phone: 216-228-6031
Web site:
Activities: Runs Saturday and Sunday mornings in Rocky River Reservation Metropark plus an additional week-day run during the warmer months, track workouts in spring-summer-fall (Springbok Club, additional fee required), monthly meetings, sponsor a large number of races (including two half-marathons at Bonnie Park/Strongsville Metroparks, and the Mohican Trail 100 Mile Run), picnics in summer, annual banquet
Lorain County Road Runners
North East Ohio Hash House Harriers and Harriettes
Phone: 216-556-BEER
Web site:
Activities: This is a new group, established Spring 1997.
Northeast Runners Club
P.O. Box 1072
Mentor, OH 44061-1072
Phone: 440-257-2212 (Tammie Host, membership)
Web site:
Activities: Trail runs Sunday mornings in North Chagrin Reservation Metropark, meetings on second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM at Willoughby Hills City Hall (runs preceding meeting at 6 PM), sponsor races (including a 5K summer cross country series in August at Penitentiary Glen Park), annual scholarship grants, picnics, annual banquet
Over The Hill Track Club
Summit Athletic Club
P.O. Box 1015
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223
Phone: 330-920-3786
Web site:
Activities: Sponsor races (including a 5K summer cross country series in August at Goodyear Metro Park, and a half-marathon in September in the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area)
Wadsworth Running Club
Phone: 330-334-4505 (Dave Cooper)
Web site:

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