Running in Cleveland, Ohio

"It's a treat, being a long-distance runner, out in the world by yourself with not a soul to make you bad-tempered or tell you what to do..." Alan Sillitoe, 1959
runcleveland The Running Wolf
Places to Run:
Where to run in Cuyahoga County
Why Run More:
Health benefits of running further
Race Calendar:
Upcoming races in the greater Cleveland area
Animated Running Gifs:
Running people, dogs, and other beasts
Race Information:
Other sources of race information
Cleveland Running Images:
Race logos, club logos, and others
Running Clubs:
Group runs, sponsorship of races, and more
Wolf Pictures:
Wolves of the Cleveland Zoo, and others
Running Stores:
Stores which specialize in running gear
Useful Links:
Links to running in the Cleveland area
Visit our dog
runcleveland was established in 2/97 The Running Wolf was established in 12/97

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