Hi! Welcome to Ironhead's Unlimited, created and maintained by the Ironhead herself Amanda Wilson. Since most of you viewing this page are somewhat farmilar with Olympic Lifting I'll just share with you a few of my endeavors in the sport as well as a few of my other interests.
But first, the important stuff! I began Olympic Lifting in Dcember of 1997 with the help of a family friend John Coffee. One Sunday afternoon Coffee took me to my future coach's (David Jones)gym and began teaching me how to Clean and Jerk. I loved it! David, a 1980 Olympic Team Member, agreed to training me. Ever since, I've gone to the two platform gym twice a week. In 2 years of training I have come to have the number 15 Jounior Women's Ranking and the number 43 Ranking in the Women's Division. I have also claimed the gold at the 1999 National Jounior Championships, won the Louis Cry Tournament in Shawinigan Quebec, am a 2 time Georgia Games Best Lifter, and am completing my second year on the National Jounior Women's Squad.
Links to other sites on the Web
USA Weightlifting
1980 Olympian Butch Curry's Page
Weightlifting has come to be my one love in life, I've loved every moment of the years I've been involved. I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything.
I realize there isn't much here right now, but I promise, there is more to come!
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© 1997 ironhead@lightwood.com