-November 7, 2000
Over 500 hits! Wow! Anyway, the last time I wrote, I said that we were uncertain about what would happen to our team without a coach. Well, we got a coach. And an assistant coach. And a manager. Our new coach, Mr. John Wilke, taught at Concordia two years ago for a semester. He is now back doing a great job coaching us, as is his dad and assistant coach, Mr. Harold Wilke. We have had a fun year and it went by fast. We took second place at districts. At state, our boys placed sixth out of over twenty teams and our girls placed eighth out of over sixteen teams. This was the best we have even done and we were all extremely happy. The state meet was up in Waco at the Texas Farm Bureau. It was a rainy, cloudy morning. We all had a great time this year with Mr. Wilke. He told us that he has coached many sports and many teams but that our cross country team was the best group of kids that he has ever had the honor of coaching. At our pep rally, he gave us all very nice embroidered polo shirts. I found out later that he had paid for these himself. What a guy.

-July 21, 2000
Man, I haven't looked at this site for a while. We're now up to almost 350 hits. Where did all those people come from? Anyway, I got some bad news. Mr. Mark Newman, this year's future cross country coach and last year's long distance track coach is leaving us. He's moving to somewhere up north, Wisconsin I think. Mr. Adam Bruenger, last year's head track coach and last year's cross country coach is also moving. He's going up to Minnesota. Also, last year's assistant track coach, Mrs. Marge Harris, is leaving. Mrs. Harris at least isn't moving, just quiting. We'll still get to she her and she might help coach the pole vaulters this year. The present cross country team is still running throughout the summer even though we don't know if we'll have a team yet.

-February 12, 2000
Yeah!!! This site now has been visited over 100 times. Many thanks to all the people who have no life except to visit this site. I wonder how long until the next 100.

-January 1, 2000
Happy New Year! I guess we all made through the Y2K thing. (Just for the record, I knew nothing would happen).

-December ?, 1999
(Sorry I don't know what exact date it was.) Mr. Bruenger was in the "Tomball Potpourri," Tomball's newspaper. He was shown recieving a $1000 grant from Wal-Mart because we held a fund-raiser car wash there. We don't know what we're going to do with the money yet because we have already bought our new uniforms. Maybe we could buy some warm-ups for next year.

-November 3, 1999
Today our team and individual photos came in. They all look pretty good. I won't have many more updates in this news section (like I had a lot in the first place) because the Cross Country season is over. I might turn this site into a Track website or make a new one.

-October 24, 1999
We had our state meet last Saturday in San Antonio, Texas. We left school early Friday afternoon to drive up there. The map Mr. Bruenger pulled off the internet was incorrect and directed him to a residential home. Luckily, it only took us a few minutes to find the hotel. Later that night, we all went out to eat at TGI Fridays. We all settled down at about 11:00. Saturday morning, at 9:45, we left for the San Antonio University, a 5 minute drive. The course was a 2 mile loop with a 1 mile extention for the boys' races. It was very rocky with a small, but steep hill at the end. The first race was the girls'. Our runners were Katie, Casey, Louren, Whitney, and Francis. The next race was the guys'. Our runners were Chris, Jarrett, Josh, Ben, Mike, and Eric. Neither team had enough runners to score, though. This meet will not go down as one of our best. We still have our district championship to brag about, though.

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