Trevor Lewis
Erika Willis
Tom Loretto
Members-at-Large: Peter Attewell, Mac Carne, Sheila Boulduc-Simpson, Fouad Al-Khalifah, Andy Maycock, Jan Rutty.
Club Photographer: Steve Barlow
Last updated: July 13, 2002
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Let us know what you would like to see on the Web Site, don't be shy ! Remember it is your Web Site. Just drop an e-mail to: drrcorg@yahoo.com
If you have pictures or other items of interest that you would like to contribute to this website you can send them to me at the address below. I have a scanner, so you can send me regular photos and I will scan them and send them back to you. Just make sure that you put them in an envelope with your address on it. Also, give me any info you can about the pictures so I can add an explanation with each one.
Trevor Lewis
c/o Saudi Aramco
P.O.Box 9353
Dhahran 31311
Saudi Arabia
Phone : (966-3) 872-8804/878-1523
email : drrcorg@yahoo.com
July 13, 2002