Nomads suffer second defeat
Lichfield Nomads lost their second fixture to
Bloxwich 2nds by 149 runs.
211 for 5
Lichfield Nomads 62
Match report will
appear here.
20th April 2009 |
Team for Bloxwich 3rds
The Lichfield Nomads team for the away game at
Bloxwich is as follows:
I Hughes
M Heslington
D Forster
P Fearon
G Blackburn
P Gardner
J Hoddy
N Edwards
D Brannigan
K Stanley
L West
Ian Hughes - Club Captain
14th April 2009 |
Nomads Cricket Stats
There are more fascinating Nomads stats on the
Archive section of the website.
Check out the all time total runs and
wickets list up to the end of 2008, the
100 wickets club, the 1,000 runs club,
the 100 wickets / 1,000 runs
double club, the top run scorers for
each year, the top wicket takers for
each year.
17th April 2009 |
Rusty Nomads nailed by Swynnerton
The Nomads lost their opening fixture to
Swynnerton Park CC by 75 runs.
Swynnerton Park CC
236 for 8;
Lichfield Nomads CC 161
Read Dave Forster's
Match report here.
13th April 2009 |
Team for Swynnerton
The Lichfield Nomads 2009 season kicks off
with an away game at Swynnerton Park.
The team is as follows:
I Hughes
M Pinfield
D Moss
P Blackburn
G Blackburn
D Forster
J Hoddy
P Gardner
F Weir
M Heslington
L West
Ian Hughes - Club Captain
9th April 2009 |
Latest Fixtures
There are still a couple of games to be confirmed but here is the
latest list of fixtures.
2009 Lichfield Nomads Cricket Club Fixtures
Keith Stanley - Fixtures Secretary.
2nd Mar 2009 |
Cricket Injuries Website
are an on line physiotherapy practice enabling people to self manage
their injury with expert physio guidance.
"I feel that Physiobench would
fit perfectly with your website. As well as offering personalised rehab
programmes we have lots of free advice on site. At the moment articles
that would be of interest to your club members include, healing an injury
with ice, rotator cuff injury, sprained ankle, and tennis elbow. New
articles are added regularly. We have an extensive team of Chartered
Physios all of whom are specialists in their fields. One of our team is
Scot McAllister physio for Yorkshire CCC. I have already added a link to
your site from our cricketing injuries page."
With Thanks, Jane Hodgson,
Physiobench -
2nd Mar 2009 |
50 Club Winners
The following draws were made after the February meeting on Thursday 26th
February 2009 at The Duke of Wellington Public
House, Lichfield.
January - No.14 Emma Fearon, No.3 Fuzz Weir
February -No. 3 Fuzz Weir, Ed Pinfield. Click
here for the complete list of winners.
27th Feb 2009 |
Belgium Tour 2009
A reminder that Nomads wishing to tour Belgium this year should
confirm their intentions to Club Captain Ian Hughes or Acting Chairman
Malcolm Pinfield by this Thursday 19th February.
17th Feb 2009 |
50 Club Winners
The following draws were made after the January meeting on Thursday 29th January 2009 at The Duke of Wellington Public
House, Lichfield.
October - 8. Dave Forster, 45. Club number.
November - 27. Dan Moss, 4. Westie
December - 46. Club number, 38. Pete Gardner
Christmas draw - 42. Hilary Baxter.
29th Jan 2009 |
January Meeting Announcement
The January meeting will be held on Thursday 29th January 2009 at
9:30pm after the Friary Grange nets, at The Duke of Wellington Public
House Lichfield.
20th Jan 2009 |
2009 Winter Nets Update
The indoor nets at Lichfield Friary Grange Leisure centre started on Thursday 8th January 2009. There
are two nets for our use and they will continue for 14
weeks, every Thursday at 8:00pm, until 9th April 2009.
20th Jan 2008 |
Click Here for more 2009 News... |