Tim's world of puzzles
(is still growing... ... and was last updated November 15th 2001)

This site is dedicated to one of my greatest interests, puzzles. Logic puzzles that is. This site gives an overview of the 8th WPC (World Puzzle Championship), held in Budapest (Hungary) in October 1999. I participated for the first time in this event and I'm already addicted to it. I've also earned a place in this year's Dutch puzzleteam. This page is also a tribute to all the puzzlers who competed in the WPC's. I've also tried to make some puzzles myself. Some of them are published in BreinBrekers, and others will feature on this site. I'll try to update this site at least once a month, but I'm not promissing anything...

The 8th World Puzzle Championship and further ...

The 8th WPC was held in Budapest, Hungary in October 1999. 71 individuals and 18 teams competed in this championship. The 4 members of the Dutch team had already participated in the National Qualifying round and the National Finals. They did well finishing 2nd in the team competition behind the USA, and finishing 3rd, 9th, 10th and 12th respectively in the individual championship behind Wei-Hwa Huang of the USA, who took his 4th individual title and his third in a row. Here are some statistics and reports, but the most important... THE PUZZLES!

2001: 10th WPC Brno, Czech Republic
- Results of the Dutch Qualification round;
- Final standings of the Dutch finals 2001;
- Final individual results of the 10th WPC in Brno;
- Final team results of the 10th WPC in Brno;
- Part 9: 'Screentest' is online
- Zack Butler's report (and some photo's);
- A report from Liisa Sarakontu from team Finland;
- Wei-Hwa Huang's report
- Pictures from the 10th WPC;
- More pictures from Brno;
- And even more pictures...;

2000: 9th WPC Stamford, USA
- Final results of the Y2K Dutch qualifying round;
- Final standings of the Dutch finals 2000;
- Individual results of the 9th WPC;
- Team results of the 9th WPC;
- Download the WPC 2000 puzzels;  (Currently unavailable)
- Dutch and English report on the 9th WPC by Niels Roest;

1999: 8th WPC Budapest, Hungary
- Final standings of the Dutch qualifying round 1999;
- Final standings of the Dutch finals 1999;
- Final results of the individual event of the 8th WPC (1999);
- Final results of the team event of the 8th WPC (1999);
- The puzzles of the 8th WPC;
- An informal report on the puzzling part of the championship;
- Pictures on the non puzzling part of the 8th WPC;

The puzzles of the 8th WPC in Hungary

- Instruction booklet;
- Part 2: Classics; - Solutions of part 2;
- Part 3: Optimizers; - Solutions of part 3;
- Part 4: Crack it on; - Solutions of part 4;
- Part 5: Innovative; - Solutions of part 5;
- Part 7: Honey islands; - Solutions of part 7;
- Part 8: Giant octopus; - Solutions of part 8;
- Part 9: Battleships varia; - Solutions of part 9;
- Part 10: Mix. - Solutions of part 10;

Note that you need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read these files.

- All the other WPC results (top 10);
- Dutch national round results from 1996;
- Dutch national round results from 1998;

- WPC-like puzzles;
- Links to other participants sites and other related stuff;
- E-mail addresses of other contestants;
- Babilon-ranking for the Dutch National Rounds (1996-2001);
- Babilon-ranking for individuals (1992-2001);
- Babilon-ranking for teams (1992-2001);
- Special Babilon-ranking for teams (1992-2001);

Home baked puzzles

Welcome to my kitchen. I made these puzzles myself, I hope you enjoy solving them as much as I enjoyed making them. All puzzles have a unique solution. If not, then please let me know your alternative solution. Also other comments regarding my puzzles are welcome. The indication  is reserved for the top five most visited puzzles, the indication  is reserved for new puzzels. The stars indicate the difficulty of the puzzels, it is a reflection of the time I needed to solve them.
= under five minutes;
= 5-15 minutes;
= 15-30 minutes;
= 30-60 minutes;
= Over one hour.
New, innovative stuff: Common, "Breinbrekers"-like stuff:
Alphabet Battleships ABC-game #1
Cattle ABC-game #2
Checkers Arrows
Citymaps Battle Ships #1
Constructing Roads Battle Ships #2-
Dividing Land #1 Camping Site
Dividing Land #2 Divide into Areas
Drawing Pictures- Dominos #1-
Finding Treasures Dominos #2
Fitting Strings Firehouses
Game of Cards #1 Grouping Small
Game of Cards #2 Grouping Big
Hexagonal 1-2-3 Game Islands
Hexagonal 1-9 Fit In Line Drawing
Hexagonal ABC-Game; Line Game
Hexagonal Box of Pills Magic Square #1;
Hexagonal Dominos Magic Square #2
Hexagonal Number Crossword Mastermind-
Hexagonal Treasure Island Number Crosswords Small-
Honeycombs Number Crossword Big
Mathpuzzles Number Tree
Memory One-Nine-Game
Pathfinder Scheduling (Competition)
Sequences- Scheduling (Tournament)
Shortest Paths Skyscrapers-
Skyscrapers Varia #1- Snake
Skyscrapers Varia #2- Spokes;
Triangular Checkers Treasure Island

Interesting Links

About the World Puzzle Federation and her championships:
- Official WPF home page;
- Official home page of the 8th WPC;
- Official home page of the 9th WPC;

Home pages of participating individuals and teams:
- Team Argentina home page (in Spanish);
- Robert Babilon's home page;

  1. - Zack Butler's home page;
- Team Canada's home page;
- Team Germany's home page;
- Krzysztof Ligienza’s home page (in Polish);
- Niels Roest's home page;
- Hüsnü Sincar's home page;
- Team UK home page;
- Team USA's home page;

Sites with WPC (qualifying) puzzles:
- American/Canadian qualifying rounds from 1999-2000;
- American/Canadian qualifying rounds from 2001;
- Argentinian qualifying tests 2000-2001; (Mainly in Spanish, some also in English)
- Belgian 2001 qualifying test; (in English)
- Czech 2001 qualifying round; (Also in English)
- Japanese qualifying test 2001; (In Japanese)

Other puzzle related sites:
- Puzzelsport home page; (in Dutch)
- Rubik's home page;
- Erich Friedman's puzzle page
- Hungarian puzzle index; (in Hungarian) 
- Fantastic Number Crosswords, Nonograms and Magic Squares from Japan
- More fantastic Number Crosswords, Nonograms, Magic squares and Slither links to play on line
- Paint by number;
- More Paint by number;
- Battleship variations;
- Pentomino project from the TID in Ronse (Belgium);
- Traditional Sokoban online;
- Toby Nelson and Robert Abbott's logic mazes;
- Sliding Puzzles by John Rausch and Nick Baxter;
- Rush hour, another, Sokoban based, sliding puzzle;
- Binky, another Sokoban type of game;
- Puzzle generators for mazes, number blocks, math squares etc..;
- And all the other puzzle sites I forgot to mention;

E-mail addresses of participants of the WPC

(New e-mail addresses are always welcome of course)

The 2001 Dutch team:
Hans Eendebak (Still the Team Captain)
Jan Beelen (Competed in the WPC in 1996, 1997 and 2000)
Delia Keetman (Dutch Champion in 1998, only female in a Dutch team so far.)
Tim Peeters (10th in the 8th WPC (1999))
Niels Roest (Three times Dutch champion, twice Bronze medallist in the WPC)

Other participants:
Robert Babilon (Team Czech Republic, two times World Champion)
Zack Butler (Team USA, runner up in several occasions)
Wei-Hwa Huang (Team USA, four times World Champion)
Paul Jacobs (Dutch Champion in 1996, 6th in the 1996 WPC)
Pavel Kalhous (Team Czech Republic)
Jeroen Meewisse (Dutch Team Member from 1996-1999; Best result 9th)
Krzysztof Ligienza (Team Poland)
Ronald Osher (Team USA, once the best individual puzzler of the World, but still one of the best of the world)
Silke Ritter (Team Germany)
Birgit Rosenthal (Team Germany)
Hüsnü Sincar (Team Turkey)
Rick Uppelschoten (Team Netherlands 2000)
John Wetmiller (Team Canada)

If there are any comments, do not hesitate to share them with me.

Copyright 1999-2001  Tim Peeters
Last update: November 15th 2001 by Tim Peeters.